New Short Story: Down at the Old Folks Club

I’m excited to announce the release of my newest short story entitled “Down at the Old Folks Club.” Click the image above to begin reading the new story! Have you ever noticed your local Old Folks Club? Do you even know what an Old Folks Club (or OFC) is? One day, while eating breakfast and minding my … Read more

I’m an INFJ: What MBTI Personality Type Are You?

If you’ve ever wondered why you are the way you are, perhaps you never ran across a little test called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (or MBTI) test. After having a particularly stressful, unorganized day, I decided to try out the test for myself to see if it would shed any light on my own personal quirks … Read more

Book Review: Writing into the Dark by Dean Wesley Smith

Have you ever wondered which writing method to choose for your book/stories? To outline or not to outline; to pants or not to pants? May I suggest to you this wonderful book by author Dean Wesley Smith who has been there, done that, and…”wrote the book” on the subject! Read more

Interview with a Future Bestselling Author

I’ve just released a new story, now available on Wattpad! It’s called Interview with a Future Bestselling Author: Hopes of a Future in Fiction. Click here to read the story on Wattpad. In this “interview” I set out to motivate myself to carry on with my writing despite the overwhelming fear that my writing isn’t—or will … Read more

5 Tips for Finding The Perfect Writing Spot

Have you ever thought about what would be the perfect writing spot? (Note: if you’re not a writer, then maybe the perfect thinking spot, reading spot, etc.) In this freewriting session, I’ve decided to reflect on the most recent writing spot I’ve found and some ideas for finding the perfect writing spot. My MacBook Air and … Read more

The Journal: Slaying Your Writing Monsters

Recently, I stumbled upon an article by K.M. Weiland regarding how to use a journal to conquer writing fears. Today, I want to share my findings with my audience of fellow writers. See how award-winning, bestselling author K.M. Weiland uses her journal to “slay writing monsters.” Bestselling author K.M. Weiland Read more

5 Secrets to Writing a Bestselling Novel (How to Write a Novel)

Have you ever wondered how to write a novel? In the process of writing my own novel, I’ve come across a great series of videos that answers that very question along with many more! I’ve recently come across one of the most helpful video series on YouTube regarding how to write a novel. Seeing as … Read more

7 HUGE Benefits of My New Early Morning Routine

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of going to bed early, getting a good night’s sleep, and having an early morning the next day? Join me as I explore the benefits I’ve experienced as a result of my new early morning routine. Read more

A Million Little Ways: You Were Born To Make Art

With all the many books I read each year, there aren’t many that stand out as a life-changing tool. But when I discovered A Million Little Ways by Emily P. Freeman, something dormant within me resonated and began to come to life.   Join me in the awakening. Read more