Welcome to Eric's
NOW Page
A List of Current Projects, Goals, and Aspirations
Hello, Dear Reader,
You've just arrived at my now page. Have a seat. Grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage. Make yourself comfortable while I share with you my current projects, goals, and aspirations.
So what is a now page? It's something I recently stumbled upon and decided I should implement myself. Rather than constantly updating smaller tasks on my main blog, I reasoned it would be better to create this now page and inform my readers this way, thus saving the blog for more relevant content rather than a barrage of updates.
For more information on now pages and why you should create one, visit this website. For now (no pun intended), let's get on with the show.
Last updated on May 27, 2020.
1. Lessons with Marco Sfogli
Since most bands and live performers have been trying to find other ways to supplement their income from not being able to do their live shows due to the COVID-19 lockdown, many have turned to private lessons and courses.
Enter Marco Sfogli.
I couldn't be more excited to be working on lessons with the incredible Marco Sfogli, guitarist for Icefish, James LaBrie, PFM, and more. Marco has been one of my main inspirations on guitar for the past two or three years, and because of the recent COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, I've been using my personal time to level-up my playing under the guidance of Marco via private Skype lessons.
I have plenty of things to work on and hope to concentrate more on my own playing so I can better share my ideas, songs, and other creations with my audience. Now that I've just completed the lessons (I ordered 4 in total), I've setup a live interview with Marco on my YouTube channel, so be sure to subscribe to my channel for the latest video content.
Here's the video for the live stream, which will be happening Thursday, June 4th at 11 a.m. CDT:
For now, here's a snippet of one of Marco's solos I've been working on...
2. Another New Single in the Works
Ever since winning lifetime access to The Recording Revolution's course library, I've been working my way through much of the course content, learning as much as I can to prepare for making my own mixes better and for working with other people's songs. I highly recommend anything by The Recording Revolution if you're looking to start your own mixing career. A great place to start is the Free Video Guides they offer.
A few weeks back, I began working on a yet another new single from my Revival in the Air album project. This comes just after completing one of the courses and mixing the bonus stem tracks Graham Cochrane, creator and founder of The Recording Revolution, offers. With these raw tracks, I was able to mix right along with Graham as I watched him mix the song himself in the course videos.
For the actual mixing process, I've been experimenting with a different DAW than I usually use. It's called REAPER, and it's one of the best DAWs I've seen since I began my own recording and mixing journey about 5 years ago. (Wow, I can't believe it's already been that long!)
I'm just about done with the editing portion of the song and am ready to tackle the actual mixing process. I plan on powering through the project this go-'round. In the past, I've been known to drag my feet, but I want to finally finish this album project so I can get all the many new ideas out of my head and into listeners' ears as soon as possible!
If you're interested in hearing some of the music I've produced and mixed, follow me on Spotify by clicking the button below...
3. New Season, New Career
The school year has ended and with it nearly eight years of private instruction. As much as I've enjoyed teaching (mostly) beginning guitarist and ukulele students over the years, I've decided it's time to change course in my musical career.
While teaching others is enjoyable, it can get stale and routine after so long. You begin to notice your creativity isn't being fed as much as you like because you're too busy scratching everyone else's creative itch.
Therefore, moving forward, I've decided to pursue other creative outlets to supplement the income I already receive from my professional courses. In addition to writing and producing my own music, the two main services I intend to provide are as a session musician and a mixing engineer via sites like Soundbetter, Airgigs, Upwork, and other relevant sites I may come across.
So if you want to hire me to play acoustic or electric guitar or start a mixing session on your song or album, hit me up on one of the sites I just mentioned or contact me directly and let's see what we can create together.
Well, that's it for now. If you have any questions for me regarding the above updates, please contact me and I'll be sure to respond as soon as possible.
If you've missed past updates and want to see them as well, visit my Now Page Archives.
And please be sure to visit my official blog, where I write insightful content on Embracing the Creative Self in all of us.
Thanks for taking the time to see what I'm doing "now."

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Who is Eric Beaty?
In addition to his love of playing and teaching guitar, bestselling Amazon author Eric Beaty enjoys writing and considers it to be one of his main passions.
Since publishing his first book in the nonfiction series SMART FOCUS, Eric has enjoyed learning about the writing process and continues to seek opportunities to improve his craft. Since the recent completion of the series, Eric happily began working on his next writing project: editing a much anticipated debut novel.
Eric currently lives with his wife, Melissa, in the state of Tennessee and is hard at work writing his next book—and, of course, achieving his many goals. In July 2017, Eric's first book in the series, SMART FOCUS Book 1: How to Stay S.M.A.R.T. and Achieve Your Most Important Goals One Step at a Time, reached bestseller status in two categories on Amazon.
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