Welcome to Eric's
NOW Page
Newly Updated for 2023!
A page of Current Projects, Goals, and Aspirations
Hello, Dear Reader,
You've just arrived at my Now page, newly updated for 2023. (To see what's been updated, click here.) Have a seat. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or your favorite beverage. Make yourself comfortable while I share with you my current projects, goals, and aspirations.
So What's a Now Page?
It's an interesting concept I stumbled upon a few years back and decided to implement myself. Rather than bombarding my blog with continuous, minor updates, I reasoned it would be better to create this Now page and inform my readers of quarterly updates, thus saving the blog for more relevant content.
For more information on Now pages and why you might want to create one, visit this website. For now (no pun intended), let's get on with the show.
Q0: Winter 2023
What's Been Updated?
In 2023, I gained a renewed excitement and energy for writing more content on my blog, particularly from the wealth of insights I've been gleaning from the countless entries in my many journals. Rather than spend additional energies writing entirely new updates for this page as I once did, I've decided to utilize the power of video to create quarterly video updates to inform my readers of the ongoings on this blog/website, my personal and professional goals and aspirations, and other aspects of what's going on in my life each quarter of the year.
With the changing of seasons often comes the changes and challenges of new growth, the release of old things that no longer serve to inspire, the reception of new things that do. As a result, this Now page will display header images corresponding with the seasons of each quarter to serve as a reminder and invitation to reflect upon which season of life you may be entering—or exiting—and help you better transition to the next phase of your own creative journey.
I have updated the color scheme and typography to reflect the new theme I've recently installed (which was a long time coming). You can read more about the overall changes to my site on my About page.
Rather than typing the exact date of each new update, I'll be using a simple header to specify which quarter of the year and season the current Now page iteration occupies. (Q0: Winter 2023, Q1: Spring 2023, Q2: Summer 2023, etc.)
You'll be glad to note that all previous iterations of my Now page are still—and will still be—archived in my official Now Page Archives.

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You'll also receive updates about new releases I'm currently working on, as well as other useful content. And when I have a sale, you'll be the first to know!
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Who is Eric Beaty?
Eric Beaty is a popular guitarist on YouTube with 17,000+ subscribers and 4 Million+ views. His videos mainly consist of instructional guitar, but he's also released videos on topics such as writing, business, personal growth, gear demos/reviews, and occasional Livestreams. In 2021, Eric rebranded his YouTube channel as "The Creative Guitarist" to better reflect both his newly released guitar masterclass of the same name and his passion to write emotional, expressive, and melodic guitar solos.
After writing and publishing two Amazon bestselling books (in their categories) in a three-part series entitled SMART FOCUS, Eric more recently directed his energies to the many creative facets of writing, recording, producing, mixing, and releasing his original music. He enjoys listening to a mix of various musical genres such as Bluegrass, Gospel, Shred, Prog/Fusion, and especially Instrumental music.
Eric currently lives with his wife, Melissa, in the state of Tennessee and is hard at work completing his next project. You can find out more about these and Eric's additional creative passions on the main page of his website by clicking the button below.
© 2025, Eric Beaty | Disclaimer | This page created with Thrive Architect