Need some extra motivation to kick your writing into gear? You’ve come to the right (or write) place.

Excerpted from my purple Poppin “Anything Goes” journal on June 22, 2016
The Resistance is Real
Why is it I always wait until I’m nearly falling over from fatigue and sleep to write? Am I less inhibited by the need to care if I write or not? And why is it I’m always afraid to start writing? I never seem to have any trouble with the first few sentences, so why the needless (and tragic) anxiety? How will the words get onto the page if I don’t let them flow through me and into my pen?
I’m like the apostle Paul who felt he was a wretched man because of his inability to take control and authority over his fleshly desires. Only, instead of evil always being present with me (in the case of writing), the need to resist is always present. (See Romans, chapter 7.)
Is is because I don’t believe I have anything worthy to say? I know there are multitudes of scenarios and reasons why; the most important thing for me to do is slip through the cracks while they’re all vying for my attention and write anyway.
Write Anyway
Write anyway. Is there any better motto than that? You’re afraid? Write anyway! Doubting your abilities or yourself? Write anyway? Feel your writing’s a waste of ink? Write anyway!
Don’t fall for the trap of justifying your writing to yourself or others; just write anyway. So what if it’s bad? Write anyway. The more time you spend fretting and doubting, the more time you waste and lose when you could be writing instead. Give yourself the benefit of the doubt; you would with others.
The more time you spend fretting and doubting, the more time you waste and lose when you could be writing instead.
- me
Writing is the Goal
You may never become famous for your writing, but at least you’ll have written. Besides, becoming famous isn’t the goal. Writing is the goal, and you should never forget that. Fame fades away, but your pages will still be there, welcoming you back home to peruse til your heart’s content.
Fame fades away, but your pages will still be there, welcoming you back home to peruse til your heart’s content.
- me
So write anyway that you may feel the freedom and satisfaction of remaining true to your more reasonable self instead of bowing down to the false horrors that haunt you.
When all is said and done, you must be on the page to be in someone else’s heart.
You must be on the page to be in someone else’s heart.
- me
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