My latest creation, Kitty Hero Chronicles, a NaNoWriMo 2015 novel, is now available in serialized chapters on Wattpad!

This is more of an update than an actual post; I want to hurry up and get it out into the public. My newest project for NaNoWriMo 2015 entitled Kitty Hero Chronicles, which I talked about in a previous post, has been going great so far.
I've been posting updates regarding its progress and how I've been managing the hectic schedule of trying to write an average of 1,667 words a day in order to reach the end of November with at least 50,000 words. Over the past two weeks, the journey has been amazing.
My Chosen Writing Method for Kitty Hero Chronicles
As far as the writing process goes, I own and have researched tons of books on writing, as well as blogs, articles, etc. But I've decided that, in order to keep things stress-free and low-maintenance for NaNoWriMo, I would choose a method of writing and stick with it no matter what.
The method I finally chose was one used by Dean Wesley Smith and discussed in a book of his I recently purchased and reviewed. His method has allowed me to feel confident in writing "by the seat of my pants" (a.k.a. "pantsing) and has set me free of my inner editor, as well as most "professionals" who recommend structuring you novel before writing it (outlining, vigorous plotting, character & world building, etc.). In short, Smith's method has allowed me to write of my own free will, sans all the prep work beforehand.
More to Come...
So that's all for now, be sure to stay tuned to the link above for Kitty Hero Chronicles to see when new chapters will be uploaded. And don't forget to vote, comment, and share this story with your friends via Wattpad and by using the share buttons below.
If you like, you can share your thoughts on my story via the comments section on Wattpad. I look forward to learning as much as I can from any experienced authors out there on how to make my stories even better.
One more thing, if you're interested in my progress of the actual writing of the story, be sure to read the story below:
Thanks for reading and for your support of my blog and my writing in general.
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