Hello all! Just wanted to do a quick update on some brand new pages I've been slaving over for the past week. So get ready to see what I've been working on and what I've been up to.
My "Now" Page
First up is the brand new "now" page. What's a now page? Well, you'll just have to visit the page to find out all the details, but in a nutshell it's basically a way for me to keep my readers updated on my latest projects, goals, and aspirations (just like the page's subheading says).
Instead of shooting out email broadcasts regarding ongoing projects to everyone on my blog's mailing list, I decided to create this page to serve as an easy way to relay this information. That way, I can concentrate on sending out out more relevant content without constantly jabbering on about projects which take a while to complete.
Which projects?
Visit my now page to find out.
My Music Page
In addition to my now page, I've also been hard at work on creating a central hub for all my music. Well, I'm proud to say it's finally here!
Since releasing my first single a few weeks ago, I've thought long and hard about how to create a page where I could locate all my music in one convenient location. Granted, I could link everything to Amazon; however, that's not the only music retailer where I've distributed my music.
There are dozens of other retailers out there, many of which DistroKid, the service I chose to work with, distributes my music to. So instead of sending everyone to multiple retailers, I thought it best to have everything centrally located in one place.
Enter my music page.
On this page you'll find:
I'm so proud of this page in particular because it's significant of a dream come true: finally producing my own professional music!

Other Updates
Menu Bar
As you can see from the above image, the header for my blog has been updated to reflect the addition of these new pages.
Notice the Now page is located next to the Start Here page. The difference between these two pages is that the latter goes into more depth regarding what I strive to do here on my website/blog (it's actually my About page), and the former is more of an overview of what's happening...well, right now.
Also shown in the image above, I've relocated the Writing tab into the My Books & Stories tab. It just seemed to fit there better and it allowed more room for these new pages. I've unpublished my previous Writing Room tab because, honestly, I never used it. Maybe someday I'll reincorporate it, when I'm working on a new, ongoing project, such novel for instance.
New Color Scheme
The final update I'll share with you was one that came about totally by accident. I was working on either these pages or my email newsletter (I can't remember which) and, while trying to find a nice color for links, backgrounds, etc., I happened upon the green color scheme you're seeing scattered all around this post.
My previous color scheme was more of a teal color, which appealed to me at the time, but when I stumbled upon this new bright green color—what I would almost consider a seafoam green—it spoke to me and, seeing as how I'd already worked so hard on the new pages I've just mentioned, I couldn't pass up the chance to update my website's color scheme as well.
Every now and then a simple, little thing comes along and reignites your passion for something which had, until then, all but faded away. Even something like seeing a new color was enough to get me excited again about writing on my blog.
Now and then a simple thing arrives and renews your passion for that which had all but faded away.
Here's a simple example of the two color schemes, before and after:
Before, Hexa color #00bfbf
After/Now, Hexa color #0ce37b
As you can see, both are great colors, but there was something about the green that said to me, "This is you, this is what you're after, and this is how to express it."
Wrapping Up
So that's my "quick" update for now. I hope you enjoy the changes I'm making around here in order to better serve you, the readers, as well as myself, the content creator.
While I've got you here, why not take a look around the blog, or maybe give my books a quick perusal? Have a peek at the Writing page if you're interested in that sort of thing. Maybe, if you're new here, use my Start Here page to get acquainted with what I do here on the blog.
There's plenty of places to play and get lost in the fun. Two more places, in fact.
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