Books by Eric Beaty

Millions struggle with achieving their goals every day. Perhaps you've also tried conquering your goals again and again, only to keep getting the same disappointing results.
What you need is a proven system and a plan with a track record of success. Such a system would give you the confidence and motivation you need to get back up, dust yourself off, and try again—with more rewarding results.
Good news: The SMART FOCUS series gives you that system!

The Creative Guitarist
Based on my masterclass course of the same name, I consider The Creative Guitarist to be my magnum opus for helping guitarists create their own signature style of playing.
Containing over 30,000 words of course materials, this ebook the main meat of the course itself. You have a couple of options as to which formats you would like to get the ebook.
BONUS: Since this same ebook is contained in the full masterclass, I've also included a special discount to the masterclass within the book—so you'll save money when upgrading!


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You'll also be getting the latest news, behind-the-scenes, and writer angst as I tame the unruly beast that is my fiction!

Stories, Novels, & Other Fiction
Interested in a light-hearted mystery with a twist on the classic gumshoe? What about a RomCom where two people are set up on a blind date—only to end in a literal mess? Perhaps you'd like an adventurous tale where a father and son conspire to obtain “proof” of their recent hunting expeditions?
It’s all here and more when you browse my fiction writing. Be sure to bookmark the page and check back regularly for more stories.

Fixing Scrivener
Compiling Headaches
with Eric Beaty
What You'll Learn In This Masterclass
How to Compile
Learn to compile your books and stories in print and ebook formats with Scrivener's powerful features.
How to Troubleshoot
Continue your journey with examples of how to prevent—and fix—Scrivener's compiling headaches.
Tips and Tricks
Navigating Scrivener will be a breeze with the many tips and tricks you'll learn in this course.
Shave off the learning curve, try out the course today!
In my own words...
I’ve been writing since I can remember. I started as a young teenager, when I received my first journal as a Christmas present back in 1993, and immediately fell in love with writing. I still have it today.
Now, 30 years later—wow, I can’t believe I just said that!—I've written countless words in loads of journals, a three-book series on setting and achieving goals, three novels (one of which I’m currently editing and hoping to release soon), several coursebooks for guitar, numerous short stories, various articles and posts, a book or two of poems … and probably much more than I can recall.
More recently, I've come full circle and have started collecting—or "gleaning"—various entries from my backlog of journals to publish on my Substack newsletter (more info on that below). With no end of ideas in sight, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for my stories.
Hopefully, some of them will wander your way.

Disclaimer: Some of the links to the books and stories on this page may be affiliate links. These links allow me a small commission on every sale at no extra cost to you. So if you'd like to show your support for my work, feel free to use the links on this page.
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