We've all experienced burnout at some point or another. Have you ever just sat and looked at the fallen snow out your bedroom, living room, or dining room window during as snowy winter day? Or maybe even from the window of your office or favorite work-in-town location—a coffee shop or your local public library? Why not write your musings down? You never know what insights such productive daydreaming can yield for helping you avoid burnout.

Back view of our house covered in snow
Snow Days: The Ultimate Burnout Cure?
Taken from my Brown Suede Dragon journal, January 7, 2022
This is one of the few entries I’ve written where I’ve come up with a title before actually writing it. Usually, I need to get my thoughts on the page before I have an idea about what to call it. It’s sort of like that quote that goes something like…
Anyway, this week we’ve had two major snow days. The first yielded around six inches, the second only about one and a half to two inches. I’ve just finished re-reading the first chapter of Julia Cameron’s Walking in this World (WITW for short).
The last section of the chapter is simply titled “Snow.” As I read it, I occasionally found myself looking out our dining room window at all the snow that hasn’t yet melted away. There’s still quite a bit left, and with a high temp of only twenty degrees or so, it’s likely to stay there a day or two longer.
Author’s Note: As I write this, we’re on the backside of yet another four- to six-inch snowfall. Also, if you're interested, I previously wrote another interesting blog post based on Julia Cameron's "Morning Pages" from her first book The Artist's Way.
The Rest and Reset of Declaring a "Snow Day"
Some pictures of our snow days at our house and a local park
My adventure staring out the window got me thinking about the idea and main thought of this entry. Melissa (my wife) has been out of school for the past three days due to the snow. This is only two days after going back to school after a two to three-week Christmas/Winter break. So here’s my thought: What if we declared “Snow Days” for ourselves every now and then?
The snow comes down in flurries with snowflakes of all different shapes and sizes. We’ve had plenty of variety the last several days. And not only does it represent purity in its brilliant whiteness; it represents a kind of rest and reset.
Rest in the fact that, because of the icy/slushy roads, you have to stay home and are cut off from society, your job, and other people. Such solitude pushes you into recuperation until, at the very least, a snow plow clears the way—and even then you must slow down in arriving at each and every destination or you risk collision with outside forces.
Even more exciting and refreshing: as the snow melts, it washes away impurities and renews the beauty of the once snow-hidden world beneath. We see the world anew once again—and are once again renewed in our spirits—excited to venture out into the vast wilderness that it really is. Everything has been reset, the slate cleaned. The game of life starts over, and you have a chance to rescue the princess, find the lost artifact, beat the "Big Boss."
Such would be the case if we allowed ourselves a respite from our hectic, hustle-and-bustle, grasping-and-grinding way of life. Declare a “Snow Day” more often and experience for yourself a spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional rest and reset.
And when the snow clears, your soul will be cleansed, refreshed, and ready for adventure once again.
For more great ideas on writing down your thoughts, check out the books below and some of my other recommended writing books.

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• Do you find yourself frustrated at watching other guitarists play seemingly effortless, emotional guitar solos while wishing you knew how to write your own? (I've felt this way, too.)
• Have you always wanted to play guitar solos in a more melodic, expressive, and creative way? (I can help with that.)
• Is the lack of knowing how to read music notation or learn music theory holding you back in your goals of writing compelling guitar solos? (No need for either in this course.)
• Have you always wanted to learn how to play the most effective notes in your own guitar solos but never understood where to begin? (I cover this and lots more in the course.)
If you’ve found yourself asking these or similar questions and feeling these thoughts and emotions, you’ve come to the right place.
In this Masterclass, "The Creative Guitarist," you'll get access to a wealth of resources that address the concerns and frustrations many guitarists around the world have expressed when trying to write and play their very own creative guitar solos.
Such resources include…
• A 30,000-WORD COURSEBOOK covering everything you need to know about how to write expressive, emotional, and melodic lead guitar solos...
• Brand new INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS that complement the course materials and which will show you the exact process of how I take a solo from inspiration to inspiring...
• Transcribed GUITAR TABLATURE of several of these full-length guitar solos in PDF, mp3, and Guitar Pro format...
• Access to a PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY dedicated to giving you the support, accountability, and inspiration you need on your own journey to becoming a creative guitarist—both from myself and others who have already joined the community...
• All this and MORE!
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