Taken from previous content on my Now page.
I'm excited to announce I've just completed the final stages of what's known as "going wide" in the self-publishing industry. That means I've finally finished the process of getting my books into the hands of readers through multiple vendors other than Amazon. The service I'm using to make things as easy as possible: Draft2Digital.

Though publishing wide sounds pleasant and fun, it's often not as easy as it seems. So how am I accomplishing this feat? The answer: Draft2Digital. There are other alternatives out there, such as going one by one to each ebook vendor and creating an account, formatting your book, uploading your book, yata, yata (extremely tedious and can be difficult). That's where Draft2Digital saves the day.
Instead of going through all the trouble of jumping through hoops trying to reach multiple vendors on my own, Draft2Digital serves as a multiple book distributor aggregate. In layman's terms, they make it easy for me to get my books into the hands of readers who prefer reading on devices other than Kindle (Amazon).
Just so you can see what I mean, here's an example of my first SMART FOCUS book using the "universal link" (more on this in the "Featured Resource" section below) that Draft2Digital provides after uploading a book: books2read.com/SMART-FOCUS-Book-1.
See what @Draft2Digital can do to help you #selfpublish your books through a wide variety of book distributors.
Draft2Digital vs. Smashwords & Similar Services
So why did I decide to go with Draft2Digital (D2D for short) versus its popular competitor, Smashwords, and other services? Simply put, I've heard such great things about D2D from other Indie authors that I just had to give it a try.
I've seen how Smashwords works, and, to me at least, the site is off-putting because it looks so primitive. And D2D can do most of what Smashwords can do without much of the hassle of trying to decipher the out-dated website. Instead, D2D feels, though a bit blocky-looking, much easier to navigate, with every element in its proper place where you'd expect them to be.
Not only that, but an even greater perk is that D2D will format your entire book for you absolutely free—even if you don't publish with them! Granted, I use Scrivener for all my book formatting, but if you don't have a way to format your books on your own, I highly recommend giving D2D's book formatting services a try.
That's not all. Here's just a sample of other great features D2D comes with—once again, absolutely free:
Now that I've completed the wide distribution of my SMART FOCUS series of books, my sole writing-related focus is to finish the edits on my first novel. Until then, I'm excited at the possibilities D2D offers for other book projects, like short stories or anthologies. I can't wait to see what the future holds with Draft2Digital. There are so many possibilities, so many avenues to traverse with my books and stories.
I'm not sure if I'll become a bestselling author—besides when I did on Amazon, that is—in a wider field of authors, but it can't hurt to try and spread my net a little wider, right? If nothing else, another big step in my career as a Creative Entrepreneur is now behind me so I can now focus on what lies ahead.
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Featured Resource
Books2Read is an amazing resource for Indie Authors. It was actually created by the same people running Draft2Digital. When you publish a book with Draft2Digital, its automatically assigned a "Universal Link" (more on these in a minute), which you can then customize to your liking.
Basically, it works like this: all you need to do is paste your book link (your own book or someone else's) into the designated area (as seen above). If it's listed in any online book stores, Books2Read will create what's known as a "Universal Link" for you.
Universal Links are a game changer because it gives you "one link to rule them all." In other words, you have one link to share with others, but within it it contains all the links to all the major distributors!
And what's more, if you're an affiliate/associate of any retailers—Amazon being the most popular—you can enter your Affiliate ID and it will link to the book so that whenever someone purchases it—or anything else on the site—you get an affiliate commission!
It's totally free and easy to use, so be sure and try Books2Read today.
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