Urgent Announcement About My Websites and Courses

Great News: All Masterclass Courses Now Available!

The Creative Guitarist

Learn to write more expressive, emotional, and melodic lead guitar solos.

Secrets of Texas Blues Guitar

Learn the riffs, licks, and techniques of legendary Blues guitar players!

Bluegrass Guitar Essentials

Learn the essentials of playing Bluegrass guitar like the Legends!

Beginner Bluegrass Guitar

The simple, effective method for helping you start your own Bluegrass guitar journey.

Bluegrass Guitarpeggios

Connecting the dots to unlocking the fretboard.

Migration Headaches

I regret to inform my viewers, readers, and customers that due to an unfortunate situation with my previous web-hosting provider, I have decided to migrate to a different hosting provider for the foreseeable future.

That being said, the migration wasn’t without its headaches, including:

  • The loss of over 100 images and media items
  • All course modules and pages were wiped out
  • Hundreds of customized links—gone!
  • Custom page formatting acting weird
  • Many custom-made boxes, buttons, and other templates were lost
  • Themes, widgets, and other site elements have to be rebuilt from scratch

What This Means for the Site

In a nutshell, I'm having to start over from scratch except for my posts, pages, plugins (although not their settings), and the few things I was able to rescue from my backups. 

During the migration process, my other two sites containing many of my professional guitar course sales pages, thankfully, seem relatively unaffected. But for some reason, the migration went awry for ericbeaty.com, the site I was hosting my courses on.

What About Course Access?

Unfortunately, due to the nature of this extensive problem, the course modules and lessons for all of my courses were essentially wiped out. Thankfully, I still retain the videos and other course files; however, I will have to rebuild everything from the ground up—which will take some time.

Fortunately, I still have the contact information of previous customers who had lifetime access to one or more of these courses. Once I get everything up and running, I'll be sending out messages detailing the new locations where to access them. (So keep an eye out on your inbox!)

(Note: This change only affects digital course customers, not those who purchased the DVD/USB versions.)

Moving to A New Platform

The platform I initially hosted my courses on was a gigantic pain to set up and maintain—and that’s putting it mildly. So going forward, I’ve decided to try a different, offsite platform I’ve been hosting many of my other products on, such as guitar tabs, books, Helix presets, and more.

I’ve already begun the process of uploading and recreating my courses on this new platform (see Currently Available Masterclass Courses above), so customers will have to wait until they are set up there before being able to access their course materials again.

And Your Other Courses?

Good News

Though the digital versions are temporarily unavailable for current lifetime customers, the good news is that the DVDs/USBs for several of my courses are still available for purchase to new customers.

Those courses are available in the following formats:

Learn the Tips, Tricks, & Techniques of LEGENDARY Players!
Learn to play better Bluegrass guitar with Bluegrass Guitar Essentials!

Making Lemonade

The plus-side of all this is that I had been frustrated with my current course setup for quite some time.

There were constant issues with having to manually input the login information if each new customer instead of the system processing them and granting immediate access like it should have in the first place.

Not only that, but I’ve been ready for a change in the way I run my site for a while as well. Now, I have the opportunity to start over, on my terms, focusing on the things that are important to me (mainly music and writing) without being subject to the whims of a system that’s so overwhelming and flawed in the first place.

If you’d like to be a part of what I’m doing here on the site, you can do so in one (or more) of the following ways—and receive some free gifts in the process:

Subscribe to my author newsletter, Gleaning Words, over on Substack

Subscribe to my Bluegrass guitar newsletter
Subscribe to The Creative Guitarist newsletter
Subscribe to My Music newsletter

Thanks for Understanding

My sincerest apologies for this unfortunate situation. Rest assured, I’m working hard to restore what I—and the many others—have (temporarily, thankfully) lost. Thank you for your business and your support, but most of all, thanks for your patience and understanding during this season.

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