ROW80 Writing Challenge Update: Slow and Steady Wins the Race

It's time for another ROW80 Writing Challenge update for this, the third round of the year for a Round of Words in 80 Days!

Round of Words in 80 Days


Note: If you'd like to see my first official ROW80 Writing Challenge update, click here.

So far, so good. At least, that's the way I see it. I've managed to write several thousand words since my last update. Many of them were for my latest Goals Book (which I hope to finish by the end of this month for final line edits and publication), and many were random writing events like writing in my journals, my latest blog post, and other miscellaneous writing.

All in all, I'm still stoked to be participating in my first ROW80 writing challenge! The pace is easygoing and I love the fact that I can change my goals at any time without worry, guilt, fear of failure. The ROW80 Writing Challenge is far more laid-back than NaNoWriMo; though, I'm not dissing NaNo in the least bit. I still believe it's a wonderful, valuable, and viable writing challenge and prompt. But, for me at least, it only comes once a year. With the ROW80 Writing Challenge, I can look forward to four "writing blocks" of time in which to pursue my writing goals.

So far, my latest progress for this ROW80 Writing Challenge update is as follows:

  • Written and edited several thousand words in my Goals Book 1
  • Completed my latest blog post
  • Written almost daily in my morning pages journal
  • Written a monthly reflection in my Passion Planner
  • Enjoyed a renewed writing vigor with the use of calligraphy pens
  • BONUS: Saw one of my short stories finally published! Observe...

If there's one thing I've learned from the last few weeks since my last update, it's that slow and steady wins the race. I don't have to feel burdened down by not having written all the time or every day. Sometimes that's just not possible for me. That's one of the great things about the ROW80 Writing Challenge; their slogan is "The Writing Challenge That Knows You Have A Life."

Just today, I wrote in my Passion Planner the words "The Ultimate Writing Goal: Keep Writing! Everything else will fall into place!" If I just keep writing, my goals to write and publish books will naturally happen as a result. Talk about no worries or self-condemnation anymore! This revelation was such a relief to me when I wrote it down!

The Ultimate Writing Goal: Keep Writing! Everything else will fall into place!

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So that's pretty much it for this ROW80 Writing Challenge update. I don't want to take any time away from actually working on my Goals Book 1, so I'll end this blog post now.

One last thing, actually: Please check out the Featured Resource below, where you can find out more about the book my short story "Proof" is featured in.

Featured Resource


Proof by Eric Beaty Short Story Cover
Blind Date by Eric Beaty Short Story cover
Proof by Eric Beaty Short Story Cover
Kitty Hero Chronicles cover

If you would like to see more of my writing, be sure and check out the books I've already written, as well as those I'm currently working on, by visiting my Books page.

If you would like to learn more information about the Round of Words in 80 Days challenge and how to sign up, visit the official website by clicking here. And please don't forget to share this blog with your friends by using the share buttons conveniently located below...

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