Here is my first official update of the progress I've made on the Round of Words in 80 Days writing challenge!

Last week I made my first attempt at writing flash fiction. In just around an hour, I was able to satisfy my craving to write fiction (amidst all the non-fiction writing I've been doing) without having to commit a lot of extra work to yet another writing project. And—bonus—I had a new story to play with!
The feeling of accomplishment that resulted was immense! So much so that I'm going to keep experimenting with flash fiction whenever I get in the rut of edits, blogging, or other non-fiction tasks. It seems to be a great way to satisfy the need to write stories without sacrificing any productive work that needs to be done.
Writing a new story was something I hadn't even planned for, but I'm glad I was able to get it done just a few days after starting my first ROW80 writing challenge! Obviously, there are edits I need to make, but they're nothing compared to the immense edits in a novel-length project. And though I'm not sure in what format I'll be releasing the story when it's done, at least it's complete and can wait until I'm ready to cross that bridge when it comes.
Honestly, the sense of relief in completing "mini-projects" like these is enough to make me ask myself why I never thought of this before. I can only imagine the momentum this can create in my writing, not to mention the pressure being lifted in getting to simply create instead of trying to mold something into a salable product.

In addition to experimenting with flash fiction, I've been hard at work writing a new blog post (releasing soon) on the topic of Unleashing the Fire Within and setting free the burning passion to write, to create, etc. Though I haven't written every day, I've at least been reading books about the craft and calling of writing. I'm terrible to beat myself up for not having been productive—as if productivity is a measure of my self-worth in life.
Sometimes taking a break means more than writing until you're burned out completely. Everyone needs to fill up the creative well from time to time, and, for the most part, that requires doing nothing more than absorbing the many muses life has to offer.
Regarding my original goal for this round of the ROW80 writing challenge—to continue working toward the completion of the edits in my first of three Goals books—I've finally managed to get started on the next chapter. I can't really go into detail right now about the content, but rest assured I'm well on the way to finally completing the book, thanks to the help of professional editor Jeff Gerke as well as my lovely and patient wife.
So that's it for now. I look forward to checking in with more of my ROW80 writing challenge updates here on the blog. Any excuse to write more is a good excuse in my book!
If you would like to learn more information about the Round of Words in 80 Days challenge and how to sign up, visit the official website by clicking here. And please don't forget to share this blog with your friends by using the share buttons conveniently located below...