It's time to show you the latest addition to my guitar family, the Ibanez SA130MFM electric guitar!

Originally posted on my Now Page.
If you're reading this, you're among the first to know about this new development with my GAS (Guitar Acquisition Syndrome). I've been trying to save for my current dream guitar, an Ibanez AZ242BC, but it'll cost a pretty penny. To help pay for it, I've been selling off some of my old gear.
Paving the Way for My Dream Guitar
First, I tried selling my Fender Stratocaster, which I've had since 2001. But after three weeks on ebay and no bids, I decided it might be best to keep it. It is my first real electric guitar after all. (I had a Kay Les Paul look-alike before, and it was a piece of junk.)
Note: This may change soon. I have someone interested in it after all overseas. My dream guitar may come sooner than I think!
Then I sold a few more things, like my mountain bike and my very first electric guitar amplifier, a Crate GFX20. I used the money from these to buy the skateboard I'll be mentioning in an upcoming post.
Then, out of the blue, I head to a local music store that I heard is soon going out of business. My eyes spot the guitar in the above image, an Ibanez SA Series guitar. From my research, the best I can tell is that it's a SA130MFM Transparent Red Burst.
Ibanez SA130MFM - Original vs. Modded Pickups
The guitar originally came with 3 single coil pickups, but the former owner had Seymour Duncans put in, and they sound amazing! From the moment I saw it I had to have it.
Long story short, I ended up selling my red Fender Squier Affinity Strat, which I purchased about 1 1/2 years ago. In addition, I sold my Digitech RP355 Multi-Effects pedal (now discontinued for the RP360XP) and $125 to boot for the Ibanez SA130MFM. I probably paid more than I should have, but this guitar plays like butter and sounds as sweet as honey!
I can't believe how smooth the neck is. It's so easy to glide across the strings. And it still has the same single coil slap and twang as my Affinity Strat but with more bite from the upgraded pickups. It frets out a bit at the higher frets, but a quick trip to the shop should fix that right up.
I hope to record more videos with this amazing modded version of the Ibanez SA130MFM guitar in the future, so stay tuned for that by subscribing to my YouTube channel.
P.S. Since creating my Now Page, I've been inspired to write even more content. Be on the lookout in the days ahead for more blog posts based on the content there.
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