More Goals Achieved: New Website Banner & Email List

This week I decided to kick things up a notch by taking several steps toward my goals.  I lost a few hours of sleep, but I ended up getting much more done than I had planned.

New Website Banner

One of the things I did to step up my game was to install a new banner for my website.  I actually had my graphic designer create this at the beginning of the year, but I couldn’t seem to find the time to add it to my (growing) list of things to do.

Thankfully, as a result of my hustle and determination, I was able to integrate the new banner with a few minor tweaks it needed to get it looking just right in the placement of my header.

New Email List

This is something I’ve been meaning to integrate for a while now, but I haven’t too enthused about the work it would take to get a new list going.  Eventually, I’ll create a corresponding page just for the mailing list, but for now, you can easily sign up using the form in the sidebar of my blog.

If you’re interested, why not just take the time to sign up right now in the sidebar above? (Don’t worry, no spamming included.)

By signing up you’ll receive EXCLUSIVE updates regarding:

  • The release of my latest posts
  • Notifications of upcoming products & sales
  • Writing and Authorship content
  • And a whole heap more!

I’m currently trying my best to get back to my writing goals.  Getting sidetracked with the above goals made it hard for me to get my writing done this week.  But a goal is a goal, and a goal achieved isn’t something to take lightly.  That was so good, I think I’ll say it again…

A goal is a goal, and a goal achieved isn’t something to take lightly.

Thanks for reading this update, and I hope you’re still well on your way to achieving your goals for this year.

Help Me Help You

If your goals aren’t turning out the way you planned for this year and you’d like some help getting back on track, check out this post where I’ll show you:

  • A detailed layout of my goal setting process and progress for last year
  • Some of the tools I use for effective goal setting, including a great BONUS tool that’s sure to get you back on track
  • Some amazing tips I discovered after a year of keeping track of my goals in 2014.

That’s all the updates for now.  Please remember to sign up for the email list in the sidebar above if you’re interested in even more great content!

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Questions: Have you ever gotten sidetracked while achieving your goals? What steps have you taken toward your goals?

Leave a comment below and tell us all about it.

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