New Short Story: Down at the Old Folks Club

I'm excited to announce the release of my newest short story entitled "Down at the Old Folks Club."

Down at the Old Folks Club cover

Click the image above to begin reading the new story!

Have you ever noticed your local Old Folks Club? Do you even know what an Old Folks Club (or OFC) is?

One day, while eating breakfast and minding my own business at my local fast food eatery, I started noticing something I hadn't paid attention to since I was a kid. Once I started writing about what I saw, the rest of the story poured through my fingers as if it had been waiting years to come out.


This story records my observations regarding...

  • OFCs in general
  • How you can tell if you're in the presence of a genuine OFC
  • Various types of OFCs
  • And even if you qualify for "membership" in your local chapter of the OFC

My hope in writing this story is that you discover the nostalgia you may have forgotten since you were a child by observing once again your very own local Old Folks Clubs, and by learning a little something about the unique individuals that make up these amazing groups all across the country; thus, ultimately learning a bit more about yourself along the way.

Click here to begin reading the new story on Wattpad!

P.S. As I make more observations of my own local OFCs, I plan on adding onto this story in a special section for any updates. So check back often, and please be sure to comment, vote, and share if you like the story.

P.P.S. Also, if you like this story, please check out my other stories on my Wattpad profile:

Thanks for reading,



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If you would like to see more of my writing, be sure and check out the books I've already written, as well as those I'm currently working on, by visiting my Books page.

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