An AMAZING Tool for Backing Tracks and Fretboard Visualization

Welcome to another excerpt from to my brand new course, The Creative Guitarist: "How to Write More Expressive, Emotional, and Melodic Lead Guitar Solos."

In yesterday's blog post, I gave you a brief overview of the entire Masterclass course. This post is a continuation of this brief series showcasing various lessons that I've made available free to the public within the course itself.

Did you know that playing along with jam tracks is one of the best ways to engage your inner creative guitarist? This particular video of the course deals with an amazing FREE tool you can use to get free backing tracks—and level-up your fretboard visualization.


Fretastic: The Amazing Backing Tracks Tool

I want to showcase an amazing tool I've recently discovered and like to use. It's called Fretastic. Once you arrive on the website, scroll down until you see the "Backing Tracks" button. Click on it and you'll see a pop-up menu similar to the image below. Observe:

Fretastic free backing tracks and fretboard trainer

From there, you can select the scale (Natural, Sharps, or Flats) and select the key. After you've decided, pick one of the backing tracks shown, and Fretastic will immediately begin playing your chosen backing track. (See the main video shown at the top of this post for a more comprehensive look.)

Let's just say I want to play along with the "Chill Mellow Ballad" shown above in D major, for example. This particular backing track is listed as a Ballad, and it's provided/created by an artist called Elevated Jam Tracks. Once I follow the steps I've just given you, I'm off and running. But what if I wanted access to even more jam tracks?

All I have to do from there is click on the YouTube logo of the video that begins playing the jam track, and it will go directly to the the actual backing track video on YouTube (already provided below for your convenience).

Once you click the video above, you'll see how this particular channel's backing track videos show you the chord progressions used in the backing track (seen above) as well as the scales that work best for soloing over the track. You can easily follow along with what's going on.

And this is just one of many backing tracks channels curated by Fretastic.

Can you imagine how creative you can get with your solos once you learn to listen and observe based on what's on your screen at the time? You can easily be leaps and bounds above where you thought you could be just by using this one hack.

Fretastic, Not Just A Tool For Backing Tracks

But Fretastic isn't just for playing along with backing tracks. This amazing tool is especially great for helping you learn and memorize scales, modes, and arpeggios—all the things that most of your guitar heroes use in their own signature solos.

You can even tell Fretastic to add extra strings to the guitar fretboard interface. If you want to go back to regular guitar view, simply click on one of the open strings, and it will show you a menu like the one below...

Fretastic: Free Backing Tracks and Fretboard Trainer

After watching this free preview video from my new course The Creative Guitarist, I hope you feel inspired to try out this new tool when writing your own creative guitar solos. With nearly unlimited backing tracks to choose from, you can't help but be inspired.

If you'd like to see more free content from The Creative Guitarist Masterclass, check out the modules below. Or, to begin the purchase process directly, continue reading to see some extras I offer in the course, as well as a "Buy Now" button you can click to purchase the entire Masterclass course.

The Creative Guitarist Extras

The Creative Guitarist Course Book 3D
The Creative Guitarist Course Book Tablet Mobile

You'll also get access to an over 30,000–word course book curriculum that details everything in the course—and which is essential to the course itself.

The Creative Guitarist Facebook Community Screenshot

I'll also even give you access to my private Facebook Community just for The Creative Guitarist customers. (Don't worry about the number of members, more people will join as the course grows.)

So if you're thinking about taking the plunge into becoming more creative, like your favorite guitar heroes, check out the official course page. The first several lessons are available for free preview. Then, once you're ready to sign up, the checkout process is super easy.

I'm very proud of this product, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Now, get ready to create some of the most emotional, expressive, and melodic lead guitar solos you've ever written.

I'll see you on the inside.

To read/watch the next video/blog in this series, "3 Tips for How to Write Creative Guitar Solos," click here.

If you’ve found this content to be valuable to you, please share it with others whom you feel it will also benefit by using the share buttons conveniently located below. Also, be sure and add this page to your favorites or bookmarks for future reference. And if you have any insights or comments, leave them in the comments below. Thank you.

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Maybe you can relate...

• Do you find yourself frustrated at watching other guitarists play seemingly effortless, emotional guitar solos while wishing you knew how to write your own? (I've felt this way, too.)
• Have you always wanted to play guitar solos in a more melodic, expressive, and creative way? (I can help with that.)
• Is the lack of knowing how to read music notation or learn music theory holding you back in your goals of writing compelling guitar solos? (No need for either in this course.)
• Have you always wanted to learn how to play the most effective notes in your own guitar solos but never understood where to begin? (I cover this and lots more in the course.)

If you’ve found yourself asking these or similar questions and feeling these thoughts and emotions, you’ve come to the right place.

In this Masterclass, "The Creative Guitarist," you'll get access to a wealth of resources that address the concerns and frustrations many guitarists around the world have expressed when trying to write and play their very own creative guitar solos.

Such resources include…

• A 30,000-WORD COURSEBOOK covering everything you need to know about how to write expressive, emotional, and melodic lead guitar solos...
• Brand new INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS that complement the course materials and which will show you the exact process of how I take a solo from inspiration to inspiring...
• Transcribed GUITAR TABLATURE of several of these full-length guitar solos in PDF, mp3, and Guitar Pro format...
• Access to a PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY dedicated to giving you the support, accountability, and inspiration you need on your own journey to becoming a creative guitarist—both from myself and others who have already joined the community...
• All this and MORE!

So if you're interested in seeing what "The Creative Guitarist" has to offer, go ahead and start the course below. The first several lessons are free to preview.

If you're so stoked that you want to just purchase the course now, you can do so by clicking "Buy Now" below:
[tva_sendowl_buy pp='Sendowl' pid='78538220' title='Buy Now']

62 Lessons - Intermediate

Premium course



12 Lessons - Intermediate

Premium course



17 Lessons - None

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