A First Look at The Main Guitar Solo in The Creative Guitarist Masterclass

Welcome to another excerpt from to my brand new course, The Creative Guitarist: "How to Write More Expressive, Emotional, and Melodic Lead Guitar Solos."

In yesterday's blog post, I shared three tips for helping you make more creative guitar solos. Every legendary player uses them, and now you should know how to as well.

In today's post, I want to give you an inside look at how I started writing my own creative guitar solo for my new course. Let's get started.


My Main Approach to Writing a Creative Guitar Solo

What I want to do first is get an idea of the the approach I want to take on this song, the approach that I want to clearly go for. I start by playing the backing track—which we talked about in an earlier post. That will give me an idea of what I need to do and what direction to take next.

Knowing What Chords to Play Along with in Your Creative Guitar Solo

TCG My Own Creative Guitar Solo 1

In the particular backing track I used in the above video, the chords are displayed on my screen, which is good because I want to be able to see them as I play.

Knowing which chords are playing in the background are essential to letting your ears guide you when writing your creative guitar solo. (I discuss ear training briefly in my new course The Creative Guitarist.)

There's No One Best Approach to Writing a Creative Guitar Solo

TCG My Own Creative Guitar Solo 2

There might be all kinds of different approaches to play the kind of sound I'm looking for. But what I want to do is just get started. That's what you want to go for now. Look at the chords, listen to the track, and get an idea of which direction you want to take your creative guitar solo.

As you watch the above video (complete with sound examples), take these ideas into consideration the next time you sit down to write your next creative guitar solo.

And when you're finished with that, check out the video below to see how the final solo looks—and sounds.

For a free preview of The Creative Guitarist Masterclass, check out the modules below.

The Creative Guitarist Extras

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You'll also get access to an over 30,000–word course book curriculum that details everything in the course—and which is essential to the course itself.

The Creative Guitarist Facebook Community Screenshot

I'll also even give you access to my private Facebook Community just for The Creative Guitarist customers. (Don't worry about the number of members, more people will join as the course grows.)

So if you're interested in learning more great tips and insights about how become more creative in general and write creative guitar solos like your favorite guitar heroes, check out the official course page. The first several lessons are available for free preview.

Then, once you're ready to sign up, the checkout process is super easy. Or simply scroll down a little further to the "Buy Now" button below to purchase the course directly.

I'm very proud of this product, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it. Now, get ready to create some of the most emotional, expressive, and melodic lead guitar solos you've ever written.

I'll see you on the inside.

To read/watch the next video/blog in this series, "A Sneak Peek Inside The Creative Guitarist Masterclass," click here.

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Maybe you can relate...

• Do you find yourself frustrated at watching other guitarists play seemingly effortless, emotional guitar solos while wishing you knew how to write your own? (I've felt this way, too.)
• Have you always wanted to play guitar solos in a more melodic, expressive, and creative way? (I can help with that.)
• Is the lack of knowing how to read music notation or learn music theory holding you back in your goals of writing compelling guitar solos? (No need for either in this course.)
• Have you always wanted to learn how to play the most effective notes in your own guitar solos but never understood where to begin? (I cover this and lots more in the course.)

If you’ve found yourself asking these or similar questions and feeling these thoughts and emotions, you’ve come to the right place.

In this Masterclass, "The Creative Guitarist," you'll get access to a wealth of resources that address the concerns and frustrations many guitarists around the world have expressed when trying to write and play their very own creative guitar solos.

Such resources include…

• A 30,000-WORD COURSEBOOK covering everything you need to know about how to write expressive, emotional, and melodic lead guitar solos...
• Brand new INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS that complement the course materials and which will show you the exact process of how I take a solo from inspiration to inspiring...
• Transcribed GUITAR TABLATURE of several of these full-length guitar solos in PDF, mp3, and Guitar Pro format...
• Access to a PRIVATE FACEBOOK COMMUNITY dedicated to giving you the support, accountability, and inspiration you need on your own journey to becoming a creative guitarist—both from myself and others who have already joined the community...
• All this and MORE!

So if you're interested in seeing what "The Creative Guitarist" has to offer, go ahead and start the course below. The first several lessons are free to preview.

If you're so stoked that you want to just purchase the course now, you can do so by clicking "Buy Now" below:
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62 Lessons - Intermediate

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