The One Book I Try to Read EVERY Year


Follow One Course Until Successful.

It’s the one thing that seems to elude me as well as most of the world, especially in the technologically advanced age in which we live.  There are plenty of distractions to tickle our never satiated appetites:

  • The latest new gadget that hits the shelves only weeks after we purchased its predecessor.
  • The constant barrage of the many “To-Do” lists we keep on a daily basis.
  • The never-ending search for so-called “balance” in life between career, family, faith, and personal time.
  • And do you really need all those notifications chirping in your ear or catching your eye to let you know you’ve yet another (unimportant) message from the latest social media time-sucking mini-game?

And this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg.

Now more than ever the one commodity that people are in short supply of in faminous proportions is FOCUS.

“Focus on what you do best, and let go of the rest.”

Les Hewitt, The Power of Focus

The Power of Focus

Fortunately, there’s a resource I turn to time and time again when my life has gone haywire and out of control with all the noise.

It’s a resource I’ve owned now for over a decade.  It’s a book called The Power of Focus.  Co-written with the authors of the ever-popular Chicken Soup for the Soul series Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen, Les Hewitt paves the way for ultimate clarity for those of us who haven’t been able to see the forest for all the trees.

Even now as I write this, I’ve just finished brushing up on some of the great insights from my copy of the book (original edition now outdated by the 10th Anniversary edition).  Such insights include:

  • Building and maintaining successful habits.
  • Honing your focus by building on your strengths, not your weaknesses.
  • Developing unusual clarity with the help of strategic goal setting.
  • Creating optimum balance.
  • Eliminating fear and worry by increasing your “Confidence Factor.”
  • Persisting your way to success.
  • Taking decisive ACTION and overcoming procrastination.
  • And tons more great quotes, images, and even comic strip cartoons!

With all the current projects going on in my life—one of which is this, my new website/blog—I found myself wanting to consult with the wisdom contained within The Power of Focus to gain a better perspective on things and enhance my overall clarity and peace of mind.

As you may know from reading one of my latest articles, I’ve recently had an overwhelming desire to continue work on a novel I wrote years ago.  The only problem is I’ve been procrastinating on it due to lack of confidence and worries about trying to get my current project completed.

So after reading a few sections in the book that I’d previously marked for the purpose of skimming the book when necessary, I found myself wanting to share with the world via this blog what I had learned…

It’s okay to have more than one project, but I just need to keep myself in check and see that I’m fully present in whichever project I’m working on at that time and not become distracted with other projects I can get to later.  

This, in my opinion, is the true power of focus.  And this clarity, this reassurance, is necessary to maintain that focus each and every day of my life in order to see that I can follow through with my commitments to myself and others.  That’s why I make it a priority to read The Power of Focus every year; sometimes more than once.

See for Yourself

If you want to learn more about The Power of Focusfeel free to peruse the videos below.  In addition to reading the book through, I make sure to take the time to watch the interview video below with Les Hewitt every now and then.  It’s full of great insights and serves as a kind of overview of some of the main points in the book.

Thanks for your time and attention.  If you’ve found this information valuable, please feel free to share it with your friends and colleagues.

Here’s hoping that The Power of Focus will enhance your life as much as it has mine.


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Question: What are some ideas you have about harnessing Focus in your own life?  Leave a comment below and tell us all about it. 

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