Marco Sfogli Interview Live Stream

Just a quick announcement to tell you about my upcoming live stream interview with legendary Italian virtuoso guitarist Marco Sfogli!


Taken from my Now Page, May 27, 2020 entry.

Lessons with Marco Sfogli

Marco Sfogli interview blog image

Since most bands and live performers have been trying to find other ways to supplement their income from not being able to do their live shows due to the COVID-19 lockdown, many have turned to private lessons and courses.

Enter Marco Sfogli.

I couldn't be more excited to be working on lessons with the incredible Marco Sfogli, guitarist for Icefish, James LaBrie, PFM, and more. Marco has been one of my main inspirations on guitar for the past two or three years, and because of the recent COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, I've been using my personal time to level-up my playing under the guidance of Marco via private Skype lessons.

I have plenty of things to work on and hope to concentrate more on my own playing so I can better share my ideas, songs, and other creations with my audience. Now that I've just completed the lessons (I ordered 4 in total), I've setup a Marco Sfogli interview via live stream on my YouTube channel, so be sure to subscribe to my channel for the latest video content.

Here's the video for the live stream Marco Sfogli interview, which will be happening Thursday, June 4th at 11 a.m. CDT:

For now, here's a snippet of one of Marco's solos I've been working on...

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