The First Post

Well, here I am creating the first post for my brand new website dedicated to finally being me again.  With all the stress of creating products and videos, marketing, social media, maintenance, website management, and much, much more, I decided it was time to escape to a place of utter freedom…

That’s where this site comes in.

At I have the freedom to express myself without worrying about what other people think.  I can be free to focus on being creative once again without needing to attach the worries of marketing or monetary value to everything I do.

I can write blog posts related to book reviews, business, writing, music, even past journal entries; create videos or hangouts of anything in particular; or just do whatever I happen to be interested in at any season of my life since I’ve staked my claim here on my very own personal online “plot.”

Now that I’ve created my first page—the essential About page—I no longer have to explain what I’m here for in every post or what else I do online.  I can focus instead strictly on what I came here for; why I created this free zone: Just allowing myself to be creative instead of always feeling like I’m “chasing the money” to make ends meet.

So to whomever may be reading this in the future, I hope you enjoy the site and take the time to browse around.  Feel free to share anything here that has made a difference in your life using the share buttons on this site/post.

Here’s to hoping you get something out of it that will help inspire you to create your own space where you can pour out what’s trapped inside; what’s longing to be set free.


P.S. If you decide to create your very own website, check out the hosting service I use & recommend.

Question: Have you ever wanted to have a place online to escape “regular” online life?  Leave a comment below and tell us all about it. 

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