The Keys to Successful Soloing

What you will find in this course are various ideas and concepts I myself have discovered and found beneficial in the process of writing countless songs and solos in my twenty-five-plus years of being a musician—with my guitar accompanying me all along the journey.

Even though the concepts we’ll cover are easy to grasp, don’t kid yourself. You won’t come out on the other side being able to solo like Steve Vai, Eddie Van Halen, Joe Satriani, Tony Rice—or any number of your favorite artists—overnight.

To achieve the most from The Creative Guitarist, you will need to put in the same time, discipline, and dedication as you would in any other career, hobby, or other creative venture. Your favorite composers, musicians, and creative artists in other fields became successful in their ambitions because they knew this one simple fact: At the end of the day, it still takes hard work (and sometimes long hours) to achieve your goals and dreams.

They also knew this equally important fact: The payoff is priceless. Not only because of the solos you will be able to write (and captivate your audiences with) but for the entire learning experiences you will have gained. Experiences that will become easier over time to comprehend and perform with practice, consistency, and commitment.

If you keep these things foremost in your mind, and apply the principles you will learn in this course to your everyday practice routines, you’ll be blown away when you hear for yourself what you’re capable of accomplishing with your own creative guitar solos.

So if you’re ready to do the work, reap the rewards—and become a creative guitarist—let’s get started.

Eric Beaty

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