Content That Should Have Been Posted Here First

Some of the best articles I’ve created should have in fact been posted here first.  But since I only recently created this website, the only other outlet I had was my Texas Blues Guitar site.

On that site I’ve posted some great articles relating to guitar, but there were other articles as well that weren’t very guitar related only I didn’t have anywhere else to post them other than the Texas Blues Guitar site.  Well now, that’s changed with the introduction of

Rather than copy & paste or even move these articles to this site, I’ve decided to include several links of the articles from the TBG site here, where they should have been posted in the first place.  Most of these articles deal withmy journeys as a “Guitarpreneur“—a term I coined to describe my career path: a combined guitarist and entrepreneur—and strategies I’ve gleaned to help me get the most out of my time, productivity, and goals.

Here’s hoping you enjoy what you read, that these articles make a positive difference in your own life, and that you know someone else you can share them with and help them along the way as well.


Articles found on

Using Trello for Project Management
Being a “Guitarpreneur” in 2014
The Pomodoro Technique: Time Management Made Easy


Question: What are some of the best articles you had to put on a previous site before creating a place of your own online?  Leave a comment below and tell us all about it. 


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