Biblical Career Advice: For Love, Like, or Liberty?

In this blog post, I take a look inside one of my many journal entries and expand on the topic of career advice from a Biblical perspective, especially where Christ's liberty and the Law's bondage are concerned.


biblical career advice

Taken from a Journal entry on November 12, 2014

Biblical Career Advice in the Form of Liberty

I've just finished prayer and a Bible study in Galatians, chapters 3 and 4, which led me to an exciting—and quite revealing—discovery, especially concerning career advice. After praying for clarity and direction concerning mine and my wife's careers and where God wants us to be financially, I opened my eyes and they rested upon chapter 5 of Galatians.

Verse 1 in this chapter speaks of "remaining" (standing fast) in the liberty with which Christ has made us free and not becoming entangled again with the yoke of bondage.

From this, I began to ponder on liberty and was further directed to 2 Corinthians 3:17, which states "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty" (emphasis mine).

Point #1

Whatever I decide to do career-wise should not cause me to become entangled in bondage and quench my Christ-given right to spiritual freedom. My conscience should be free from guilt in all my pursuits.

A Business Perspective on Biblical Principles

The first verse in Galatians chapter 5 further led me to Philippians 4:6–9, where it discusses not being "careful for (anything)." For the longest time, I took this to mean worry—just plain worry of any kind. But upon this new revelation of bringing the concept of liberty into the picture, I began to see "carefulness" in a different light, relating more to my search for career advice and guidance.

Phil. 4:6–7, viewed in this new light, would read similar to this:

Philippians 4:6–7 (paraphrase)

Apostle Paul

6. Don't worry about your choice of career if you're uncertain of the path you should choose. Instead, go about your business in prayer, being thankful to God and telling Him your requests, concerns, and ideas.

7. As a result, God will instill in you a peace beyond human comprehension in which you can trust God to guard your hearts and minds—through Christ Jesus the Lord and Saviour—from taking the wrong career path."

Point #2

My assignment is not to worry about which career path to take at any given moment (careers change; they're organic and living) but to let God be a part of my business life and trust Him to keep me from making the wrong career—and financial—moves. Result: Liberty from fear!

Christ's Liberty Supersedes the Law's Bondage

Galatians chapter 5, at the beginning, mainly talks about the Law and rituals usurping authority over the liberty Christ has paid for with his sacrifice. But seen in this new light as career advice, one could substitute the following words and apply them to their own careers:

Galatians 5:1–4

Circumcised/Circumcision  =  Worry/Worried

Law  =  Fear

Christ  =  Christ's Liberty

For Love, Like, or Liberty?

Having considered all the "evidence" above, I find myself wondering about a new concept: Should I really be doing what I "love," or should I instead be doing what gives my soul and conscience true liberty?

In regards to business and careers advice, are there such things as loving something but not feeling freedom and release in doing it. Or "liking" (rather than the stronger emotion of loving) something that totally creates freedom, as if you're flying through the tasks at hand, like an eagle soaring above all other predators, total freedom at your command?

soaring eagle liberty career advice

And does this "liking" result in liberty, more so than pursuing a passion for love? If so, do you really have to love something at all to pursue it, or is "like" alone sufficient?

The remainder of Phil. 4 (verses 8 and 9) gives us, I believe, the best career advice and guidance concerning biding our time while we wait on the "official word" from God Himself. When considering a career, project, task, or whatever, ask yourself these questions:

Phil. 4:8

  • Is it truthful to God, yourself, and others?
  • Is it honest to who you are?
  • Is it a just and worthy pursuit?
  • Is it pure in motive?
  • Is it beautiful to behold?
  • Does it have credibility and good credentials?
  • Is it virtuous?
  • Is it a praiseworthy endeavor?

Phil. 4:9

When considering the above-mentioned qualities, put into practice what God has prospered in others, take action on the answer God gives you, and His peace will be a confirmation of His approval in your decision.

Liberty or Bondage: Which Will You Choose?

Which leads me back to square one, Galatians 5:1: When you've received your answer from God, based on His authority, STAND ON IT because HE'S GIVEN YOU THE LIBERTY TO PURSUIT IT, and NO ONE can "disannul" HIS "confirmation" (Gal. 3:15,17).

THANK YOU, GOD, for this revelation!!!

Holy Scriptures has much to say about career advice. Typically, most people look into Psalms or Proverbs for many career principles. But the apostles themselves were career men. Some were fishermen, some tax collectors. Luke, who wasn't even named among the apostles, was a physician. Paul was a tent maker. Even Jesus was a carpenter.

Who will you choose to be in the light of this new, Biblically sound career advice?

Click below to read another of my many journal entries.

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