The Promise: A New Album from The Gilbert Family

It's been a great month and a half or so here in Tennessee. Spring is in the air, the sunshine is out, and the sounds of good old-timey Bluegrass Gospel are in the air. I'm referring to the new album recently released by The Gilbert Family, whom I play lead/rhythm guitar and sing with. It's called The Promise...


The Promise by The Gilbert Family

The Promise by The Gilbert Family

The recording of The Promise with The Gilbert Family marks yet another milestone in my career as a musician. I thoroughly enjoyed working on this album. We had such a great time in the studio working together with our producer, Josh Swift (more about him in a minute).

I've been in the middle of trying to put together my own debut album for several months now (more on that as I get closer to completing it), and I'm finally seeing some light at the end of the tunnel, but it was a delight and honor to appear on our first album together, ​The Promise.​

The Promise album product pics

Official Images for The Promise

You can read a full review of The Promise from Crystal Inc., the manufacturer we chose to produce and distribute copies.

I've been in the studio several times with previous bands, but never has the process went so smoothly or so quickly as it has for The Promise. I finished all my parts (guitar and vocals) in just five hours! That's because of the amazing job our producer, Josh Swift, did on the album.

Josh is the dobro player for the popular Bluegrass group Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver, and he's been playing with them for around 10 years now. As the producer of his own studio (called Cowbell Fever Studios in Sparta, TN) he laid the groundwork for most of The Promise, so all we had to do when we got there was put our signature sounds on it. After seeing—and hearing—the results of the final product, I'm convinced it's the only way to work!​

Updated Testimonial for Bluegrass Guitar Essentials​

On another note, I recently acquired an updated testimonial from one of the many satisfied students of my Bluegrass Guitar Essentials course. His name is Tyson Prior. Notice that Tyson states he was able to sign a recording contract as a result of the hard work he put into his playing after watching the tips and techniques I offer in the course.

Updated BGE Testimonial - Tyson Prior

Updated Testimonial from Tyson Prior

That's one of the things that's so important in learning guitar. You have to put in the time and dedication required to be a success. Just watching a course like Bluegrass Guitar Essentials one time through won't do it for you. It takes repeated effort and drilling the concepts I go over into your mind and applying them to your own playing—not to mention the time you must put into practicing, preferably on a daily basis.

So many of the private students I teach come in every week and tell me they just finished practicing (that day), and it was the only time they practiced the entire week!​ Well, friends, that won't cut it! Practicing at the last minute so you look good for the teacher is like cramming for a test at school: You use the information only during the time when you need it most, then you forget all about what you just learned!

So, if you really want to achieve success in your playing—and I'm not just referring to ​monetary​ or ​financial​ success (results may vary, of course)—then you must ask yourself if you're dedicated enough to put in the time and effort to making your goals come true (which is also the subject of my latest book ​SMART FOCUS Book 1: How to Stay S.M.A.R.T. and Achieve Your Most Important Goals One Step at a Time​​, available on Amazon.)​​​​​


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So there are a few updates for you. Sorry I haven't been on here recently, but I've also been working hard on Book 2 of the SMART FOCUS series and hope to release it very soon. I just received the edits back from my editor, and after a couple more rounds of proofreading I'll be ready to get it out there to all you who have been waiting to finally dig into the next book in the series.

To stay updated on my books, stories, and release​ information, make sure to sign up to my author mailing list, where you'll also be notified every time I create a new blog post like this one. When you sign up, I've got a few free goodies for you just to say thanks for your support of my work.

That's all for now. Thanks for reading. And see you next time.


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Featured Resource: The Promise

To get your hands on a copy of The Promise, the latest album by The Gilbert Family—and hear all the rip-roarin' fiddle, banjo, dobro, and guitar solos—click the image below.

The Promise by The Gilbert Family

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