Pantsers Everywhere Rejoice

Have you ever wondered whether to plot a novel or just write by the seat of your pants? Join me as I discuss this age-old writing dilemma.

Buried Talents & Wasted Gifts

Have you ever felt like you could be doing more with your creative talents and gifts? Maybe this post has the answers you’ve been seeking.Read more

The Power of Writing

Have you wondered if you could be the next J.K. Rowling, Stephen King, or even J.R.R. Tolkien? This post on “The Power of Writing” may help you determine if you have the potential. Read more

Interview with a Future Bestselling Author

I’ve just released a new story, now available on Wattpad! It’s called Interview with a Future Bestselling Author: Hopes of a Future in Fiction. Click here to read the story on Wattpad. In this “interview” I set out to motivate myself to carry on with my writing despite the overwhelming fear that my writing isn’t—or will … Read more

Young-ha Kim: Be An Artist, Right Now! | TED Talks Video

What’s holding you back from releasing your inner artist?  Do you remember when you were just a kid?  What was it you always did to pass the time?  In this inspiring and motivating TED Talks video, Young-ha Kim talks about what it means to allow yourself to “play” once again.

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Writing Can Be Great Therapy

Tools of the Trade

Writing can be great therapy, you know. All you really need is paper and pen. I prefer using a specific notebook that’s dedicated to writing your thoughts and ideas—yes, a journal, but a special one; not just any old notebook.

The pen should be special as well; something that will allow you to write fast and not stick to the page or drag along. You need to be able to write as fast as you can; as fas as you can think, preferably.  I recommend Uniball Signo 207 pens as well as Pilot Precise V5 pens.  If you’re looking for something a bit more stylish, you could try Space Pens.

“Why not just use my computer (tablet, etc.) to write,” you may ask. Well, you can, but there’s just something about using a pen to physically pull you in and get you involved in the whole process.

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