When Goals Collide: Strategies for Pursuing Multiple Goals

Life moves in many exciting directions, but along the way it’s often a struggle to decide which goals to pursue—or, maybe, how to go about pursuing multiple goals!In this blog post, I’ll give you some strategies for pursuing multiple goals so you can feel better about chasing that new dream that’s vying for your attention. Read more

Trello: Tips for Organizing Your Life

Trello. One simple, easy to remember word; one HUGE impact on life as you know it. In this post I’ll share with you the huge impact that Trello has had on my life and some great tips on how you can implement Trello to organize just about anything in your business and personal life—including a special BONUS … Read more

7 HUGE Benefits of My New Early Morning Routine

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of going to bed early, getting a good night’s sleep, and having an early morning the next day? Join me as I explore the benefits I’ve experienced as a result of my new early morning routine. Read more

In Search of the Perfect Planner

3 Extraordinary Planners that Will Help Move You Toward Your Goals

A Shift in Planner “Status Quo”

While on my search for a new weekly planner earlier this month, I first considered ordering the same style I’ve been using for 2014. Confident I had settled in my decision, I began to search for it online and had almost purchased it when I ran across a different, more unique planner.

And when I first laid eyes on it, I knew it was the next planner I would be trying out for the new year in 2015.

This newfound planner wasn’t like the ordinary one I had been using all year with the typical format most offer: Monthly layout with daily/weekly slots for filling in the same old overwhelming tasks and projects.  You see, I had experienced a calendar overload in 2014, and I was ready for a change.

No, this one was extraordinary; what you might call a “Next Level” planner. It didn’t have any “bells and whistles” or try to impress me; rather, it had all the tools I needed to inspire me to take massive actions that moved me toward my goals.

But before I go into the details and benefits of this particular planner, I would first like to introduce a few other options I discovered—and also found very intriguing—along the way.  Let’s see if you can guess which planner I chose…no skipping ahead, either!

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The One Book I Try to Read EVERY Year


Follow One Course Until Successful.

It’s the one thing that seems to elude me as well as most of the world, especially in the technologically advanced age in which we live.  There are plenty of distractions to tickle our never satiated appetites:

  • The latest new gadget that hits the shelves only weeks after we purchased its predecessor.
  • The constant barrage of the many “To-Do” lists we keep on a daily basis.
  • The never-ending search for so-called “balance” in life between career, family, faith, and personal time.
  • And do you really need all those notifications chirping in your ear or catching your eye to let you know you’ve yet another (unimportant) message from the latest social media time-sucking mini-game?

And this isn’t even the tip of the iceberg.

Now more than ever the one commodity that people are in short supply of in faminous proportions is FOCUS.

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Content That Should Have Been Posted Here First

Some of the best articles I’ve created should have in fact been posted here first.  But since I only recently created this website, the only other outlet I had was my Texas Blues Guitar site.

On that site I’ve posted some great articles relating to guitar, but there were other articles as well that weren’t very guitar related only I didn’t have anywhere else to post them other than the Texas Blues Guitar site.  Well now, that’s changed with the introduction of EricBeaty.com.

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