Novel Ideas: The Story of My Second NaNoWriMo Novel

Ever wondered where ideas for stories and novels come from? In this post, I delve into the beginnings of the idea behind my NaNoWriMo 2015 novel Kitty Hero Chronicles.Read more

Buried Talents & Wasted Gifts

Have you ever felt like you could be doing more with your creative talents and gifts? Maybe this post has the answers you’ve been seeking.Read more

NaNoWriMo Winner for 2015!

The culmination of my writing goals for this year has now come full circle: After a six year hiatus,  I’m a NaNoWriMo Winner for 2015! Share0 Tweet0 Share +10 Share0 Pin0 Click here to see my NaNoWriMo participant post. In my most ambitious and painstaking writing project this year, I can now claim the coveted title of NaNoWriMo Winner … Read more

A Month in the Life of A NaNoWriMo Participant

Does the term NaNoWriMo mean anything to you?  If you’re a writer—especially a young writer—who’s been online for the past 15 years, then it probably does.

NaNoWriMo 2009 Winner Icon (Tall)    NaNoWriMo Participant Badge 2009


In 2009, I set out to finally achieve my goal of writing a novel.  The premise behind National Novel Writing Month, founded in 1999 by Chris Baty, is to write 50,000 words by the end of the designated month, which is always November.  Although I won the competition (along with hundreds, if not thousands, of others), my novel was still incomplete, life happened, and I abandoned my novel as a result.  Five years later, I began the journey to resurrect and complete it.

Here’s my story.

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