Biblical Career Advice: For Love, Like, or Liberty?

In this article, we take a look at the topic of career advice from a Biblical perspective concerning Christ’s liberty and the Law’s bondage.

The Liberty of Discipline: How Discipline Creates Freedom

It’s the fifth day of the new year, and it’s time to reconsider my priorities and rearrange my lifestyle, particularly where food is concerned. But even if you’re okay with your weight, reading this post can help you with other areas of life where you might find yourself lacking in discipline.Read more

8 Questions to Help You Decide if Your Passions are Worth Your Time

Have you ever wondered if the passions you’re pursuing are a worthy investment of your time?  Join me as I dissect this topic and show you the 8 Questions to Help You Decide if Your Passions are Worth Your Time.

8 Questions about your passions

Journal entry from my “Whatever Happens, Happens” journal on November 2, 2014

Career Advice from a Tentmaker (Acts 18:3)

I’ve just finished prayer and a Bible study in Galatians 3-4 which led me to an exciting—and quite revealing—discovery.  After praying for clarity and direction concerning mine and Melissa’s (my wife) careers and where God wants us to be financially, I opened my eyes and they rested upon Galatians 5:1, which speaks of remaining (aka “standing fast”) in the liberty in which Christ has made us free and not becoming entangled again with the “yoke of bondage.”

From this text I began to think about the aspects of true liberty and was further directed to 2 Corinthians 3:17, which states, “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emphasis mine).”

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