The Wonders of the Great Outdoors – A Vacation Story

Every now and then it’s a great idea to get away and enjoy God’s creation. In this post, I share some insights I learned on our recent trip to Fall Creek Falls.Read more

The Journal: Slaying Your Writing Monsters

Recently, I stumbled upon an article by K.M. Weiland regarding how to use a journal to conquer writing fears. Today, I want to share my findings with my audience of fellow writers. See how award-winning, bestselling author K.M. Weiland uses her journal to “slay writing monsters.” Bestselling author K.M. Weiland Read more

8 Questions to Help You Decide if Your Passions are Worth Your Time

Have you ever wondered if the passions you’re pursuing are a worthy investment of your time?  Join me as I dissect this topic and show you the 8 Questions to Help You Decide if Your Passions are Worth Your Time.

8 Questions about your passions

Journal entry from my “Whatever Happens, Happens” journal on November 2, 2014

Career Advice from a Tentmaker (Acts 18:3)

I’ve just finished prayer and a Bible study in Galatians 3-4 which led me to an exciting—and quite revealing—discovery.  After praying for clarity and direction concerning mine and Melissa’s (my wife) careers and where God wants us to be financially, I opened my eyes and they rested upon Galatians 5:1, which speaks of remaining (aka “standing fast”) in the liberty in which Christ has made us free and not becoming entangled again with the “yoke of bondage.”

From this text I began to think about the aspects of true liberty and was further directed to 2 Corinthians 3:17, which states, “Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty (emphasis mine).”

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