The Liberty of Discipline: How Discipline Creates Freedom

It’s the fifth day of the new year, and it’s time to reconsider my priorities and rearrange my lifestyle, particularly where food is concerned. But even if you’re okay with your weight, reading this post can help you with other areas of life where you might find yourself lacking in discipline.Read more

Chasing Squirrels: How to Effectively Overcome Distractions

It’s so easy to allow distractions to get us side-tracked these days. With ever-increasing new versions of all the latest high-tech devices, temptations to multi-task, and having to be everywhere at once with social media, sometimes it feels like you’re just chasing squirrels.

Chasing Squirrels New

The Story Behind “Chasing Squirrels”

So what do I mean by “chasing squirrels”?  If you’ve ever seen the movie Up by Disney/Pixar, you probably think I’m referring to the dog, Dug, who is constantly getting distracted and yelling “Squirrel!” However, the story behind my version of chasing squirrels relates to a previous hunting experience I had over a year ago.

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