5 Strategies to Overcome Procrastination Guilt

Have you ever found yourself feeling guilty for procrastinating? Read on to see my strategies to overcome procrastination guilt and give your creativity a jumpstart.Read more

Buried Talents & Wasted Gifts

Have you ever felt like you could be doing more with your creative talents and gifts? Maybe this post has the answers you’ve been seeking.Read more

A Million Little Ways: You Were Born To Make Art

With all the many books I read each year, there aren’t many that stand out as a life-changing tool. But when I discovered A Million Little Ways by Emily P. Freeman, something dormant within me resonated and began to come to life.   Join me in the awakening. Read more

Young-ha Kim: Be An Artist, Right Now! | TED Talks Video

What’s holding you back from releasing your inner artist?  Do you remember when you were just a kid?  What was it you always did to pass the time?  In this inspiring and motivating TED Talks video, Young-ha Kim talks about what it means to allow yourself to “play” once again.

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The First Post

Well, here I am creating the first post for my brand new website dedicated to finally being me again.  With all the stress of creating products and videos, marketing, social media, maintenance, website management, and much, much more, I decided it was time to escape to a place of utter freedom…

That’s where this site comes in.

At EricBeaty.com I have the freedom to express myself without worrying about what other people think.  I can be free to focus on being creative once again without needing to attach the worries of marketing or monetary value to everything I do.

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