How I Received My Breedlove Revival DR-Deluxe Guitar: A Christmas Story

Seeing as how we’ve just crossed the threshold of a new year, I thought it might be a good idea to tell you a story—a Christmas story—about how I originally received my main acoustic guitar, a Breedlove Revival DR-Deluxe, seven Christmases ago. Share0 Tweet this, pretty please!0 Share0 Pin0 Read more

New Guitar For Christmas: I’ll Have A Breedlove Christmas!

Just six days before Christmas, a former student dropped by to give me the surprise of a lifetime…

A Very Merry Christmas To Me

It was Friday, December 19, 2014.  I was getting ready for my last guitar student of the day when I received a text from a former student (Pat).

“What’s your schedule look like today?” the text read.

“I’ve got a lesson coming up in a few minutes, then I’m free til around 5:30 p.m.  What’s up?” I replied.

“Wanted to bring by some Christmas cheer!” Pat said.

“Okay,” I said.  “Where are you?  We can do lunch.”

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