Trello: Tips for Organizing Your Life

Trello. One simple, easy to remember word; one HUGE impact on life as you know it. In this post I’ll share with you the huge impact that Trello has had on my life and some great tips on how you can implement Trello to organize just about anything in your business and personal life—including a special BONUS … Read more

Goodbye 2015, New Goals for 2016

We’re one month into 2016, and already my goals for 2016 are gaining momentum toward success! Follow me as I share with you what my goals for 2016 are and one of the tools I’m using to help me achieve them. Passion Planner with Staedtler PensRead more

NaNoWriMo Winner for 2015!

The culmination of my writing goals for this year has now come full circle: After a six year hiatus,  I’m a NaNoWriMo Winner for 2015! Share0 Tweet0 Share +10 Share0 Pin0 Click here to see my NaNoWriMo participant post. In my most ambitious and painstaking writing project this year, I can now claim the coveted title of NaNoWriMo Winner … Read more

New Short Story: Down at the Old Folks Club

I’m excited to announce the release of my newest short story entitled “Down at the Old Folks Club.” Click the image above to begin reading the new story! Have you ever noticed your local Old Folks Club? Do you even know what an Old Folks Club (or OFC) is? One day, while eating breakfast and minding my … Read more

I’m an INFJ: What MBTI Personality Type Are You?

If you’ve ever wondered why you are the way you are, perhaps you never ran across a little test called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (or MBTI) test. After having a particularly stressful, unorganized day, I decided to try out the test for myself to see if it would shed any light on my own personal quirks … Read more

Book Review: Writing into the Dark by Dean Wesley Smith

Have you ever wondered which writing method to choose for your book/stories? To outline or not to outline; to pants or not to pants? May I suggest to you this wonderful book by author Dean Wesley Smith who has been there, done that, and…”wrote the book” on the subject! Read more

Interview with a Future Bestselling Author

I’ve just released a new story, now available on Wattpad! It’s called Interview with a Future Bestselling Author: Hopes of a Future in Fiction. Click here to read the story on Wattpad. In this “interview” I set out to motivate myself to carry on with my writing despite the overwhelming fear that my writing isn’t—or will … Read more

5 Tips for Finding The Perfect Writing Spot

Have you ever thought about what would be the perfect writing spot? (Note: if you’re not a writer, then maybe the perfect thinking spot, reading spot, etc.) In this freewriting session, I’ve decided to reflect on the most recent writing spot I’ve found and some ideas for finding the perfect writing spot. My MacBook Air and … Read more