Novel Ideas: The Story of My Second NaNoWriMo Novel

Ever wondered where ideas for stories and novels come from? In this post, I delve into the beginnings of the idea behind my NaNoWriMo 2015 novel Kitty Hero Chronicles.Read more

Pantsers Everywhere Rejoice

Have you ever wondered whether to plot a novel or just write by the seat of your pants? Join me as I discuss this age-old writing dilemma.

Coaxing Out the Masterpiece Within

Do you sometimes feel the desire to write but don’t know exactly what to write about? Join me as I sort through this very problem on the page—and come out on the other side victorious.Read more

Wasting Time on a Practice Novel | The Editor’s Blog

Ever thought about writing as practice? Maybe going so far as to write a practice novel? Check out the following quote and article, which has given me much encouragement in my own writing, fiction or otherwise:It’s not a waste of time to finish a first novel, to practice your writing skills with that first novel … Read more

The Art & Craft of Writing Christian Fiction

I’ve just finished a book on writing that has immediately went to my “Top Writing Books of All Time” list: The Art & Craft of Writing Christian Fiction by Jeff Gerke. Keep reading for my official review and see where you can pick up this must-have title for all writers—Christian or otherwise. Jeff Gerke, AuthorRead more

Goodbye 2015, New Goals for 2016

We’re one month into 2016, and already my goals for 2016 are gaining momentum toward success! Follow me as I share with you what my goals for 2016 are and one of the tools I’m using to help me achieve them. Passion Planner with Staedtler PensRead more

NaNoWriMo Winner for 2015!

The culmination of my writing goals for this year has now come full circle: After a six year hiatus,  I’m a NaNoWriMo Winner for 2015! Share0 Tweet0 Share +10 Share0 Pin0 Click here to see my NaNoWriMo participant post. In my most ambitious and painstaking writing project this year, I can now claim the coveted title of NaNoWriMo Winner … Read more

Interview with a Future Bestselling Author

I’ve just released a new story, now available on Wattpad! It’s called Interview with a Future Bestselling Author: Hopes of a Future in Fiction. Click here to read the story on Wattpad. In this “interview” I set out to motivate myself to carry on with my writing despite the overwhelming fear that my writing isn’t—or will … Read more