Buried Talents & Wasted Gifts

Have you ever felt like you could be doing more with your creative talents and gifts? Maybe this post has the answers you’ve been seeking.Read more

Stop Chasing the Money, Pursue Meaningful Work Instead

It’s amazing how many people God has placed in our lives who love us. Is it not therefore logical that He, too, loves us enough to take care of our needs and even desires (Psalm 37:4; Philippians 4:19)?

Patreon: A Platform for Unleashing Your Creativity

Patreon. You’ve likely heard the name before. Well, after much deliberation, I decided it was high time I created my own Patreon page—which is exactly what I’ve done. (You might have noticed the addition of the new “Become a Patron” button on the sidebar of this blog.) Read on to find out more about the awesome … Read more

The Liberty of Discipline: How Discipline Creates Freedom

It’s the fifth day of the new year, and it’s time to reconsider my priorities and rearrange my lifestyle, particularly where food is concerned. But even if you’re okay with your weight, reading this post can help you with other areas of life where you might find yourself lacking in discipline.Read more

The Akrasia Effect: Why We Don’t Follow Through on Things

I’ve decided to start cultivating great content from other sources once in a while to help add value to my blog. This will help me focus more on writing books and stories while still helping you achieve your most important goals! Here for you now is a great article about a phenomenon known as the Akrasia … Read more

The Promise: A New Album from The Gilbert Family

It’s been a great month and a half or so here in Tennessee. Spring is in the air, the sunshine is out, and the sounds of good old-timey Bluegrass Gospel are in the air. I’m referring to the new album recently released by The Gilbert Family, whom I play lead/rhythm guitar and sing with. It’s called … Read more

Amazon Bestseller Status: The Journey Awaits

The results are in for my newest book SMART FOCUS How to Stay S.M.A.R.T. and Achieve Your Most Important Goals One Step at a Time. In this blog post, I’ll share my goals of becoming an Amazon Bestseller and the results I’ve achieved so far—complete with screenshots! Read more

SMART FOCUS Book 1 Pre-Launch!

The moment I’ve been waiting for is nearly here. The first book of the three-book series I’ve been working on for over a year, SMART FOCUS Book 1: How to Stay S.M.A.R.T. and Achieve Your Most Important Goals One Step at a Time, is now just a couple weeks away from launch! Read more