Thalia Capos Gear Demo and Review

In this blog post, I’ll be reviewing Thalia Capos, an amazing new capo you can use to eliminate ever having to measure your guitar’s fretboard radius again!

The Promise: A New Album from The Gilbert Family

It’s been a great month and a half or so here in Tennessee. Spring is in the air, the sunshine is out, and the sounds of good old-timey Bluegrass Gospel are in the air. I’m referring to the new album recently released by The Gilbert Family, whom I play lead/rhythm guitar and sing with. It’s called … Read more

Trello: Tips for Organizing Your Life

Trello. One simple, easy to remember word; one HUGE impact on life as you know it. In this post I’ll share with you the huge impact that Trello has had on my life and some great tips on how you can implement Trello to organize just about anything in your business and personal life—including a special BONUS … Read more

I’m an INFJ: What MBTI Personality Type Are You?

If you’ve ever wondered why you are the way you are, perhaps you never ran across a little test called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (or MBTI) test. After having a particularly stressful, unorganized day, I decided to try out the test for myself to see if it would shed any light on my own personal quirks … Read more

Book Review: Writing into the Dark by Dean Wesley Smith

Have you ever wondered which writing method to choose for your book/stories? To outline or not to outline; to pants or not to pants? May I suggest to you this wonderful book by author Dean Wesley Smith who has been there, done that, and…”wrote the book” on the subject! Read more

How to Write Better: 96 Fiction & Novel Writing Tips

Recently, I’ve been devouring a whole book’s worth of amazing tips on the art and craft of writing.  (These tips are mainly for fiction writers, but non-fiction writers can benefit from them as well.)  As a result, I’m learning more quality information about how to write better than I ever thought I could in one place.  Best of all, these tips—96 in total—are actually FREE.  I can hardly believe it because they’re worth their weight in gold.  And if you’ll apply these tips on how to write better in your own writing, I’m confident you’ll succeed.

How to Write Better- 96 Fiction & Novel Writing Tips

A Book on Writing Fiction…Compiled from Free Tips

Since “officially” beginning my writing journey back in October 2014, I’ve been soaking up every writing resource I’ve come across like a sponge.  As such, I’ve compiled many resources on writing and how to write better, and I’ve got tons more to contribute to my Writing Resources page, but possibly none so valuable as what I’m about to share with you now.

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New Guitar For Christmas: I’ll Have A Breedlove Christmas!

Just six days before Christmas, a former student dropped by to give me the surprise of a lifetime…

A Very Merry Christmas To Me

It was Friday, December 19, 2014.  I was getting ready for my last guitar student of the day when I received a text from a former student (Pat).

“What’s your schedule look like today?” the text read.

“I’ve got a lesson coming up in a few minutes, then I’m free til around 5:30 p.m.  What’s up?” I replied.

“Wanted to bring by some Christmas cheer!” Pat said.

“Okay,” I said.  “Where are you?  We can do lunch.”

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In Search of the Perfect Planner

3 Extraordinary Planners that Will Help Move You Toward Your Goals

A Shift in Planner “Status Quo”

While on my search for a new weekly planner earlier this month, I first considered ordering the same style I’ve been using for 2014. Confident I had settled in my decision, I began to search for it online and had almost purchased it when I ran across a different, more unique planner.

And when I first laid eyes on it, I knew it was the next planner I would be trying out for the new year in 2015.

This newfound planner wasn’t like the ordinary one I had been using all year with the typical format most offer: Monthly layout with daily/weekly slots for filling in the same old overwhelming tasks and projects.  You see, I had experienced a calendar overload in 2014, and I was ready for a change.

No, this one was extraordinary; what you might call a “Next Level” planner. It didn’t have any “bells and whistles” or try to impress me; rather, it had all the tools I needed to inspire me to take massive actions that moved me toward my goals.

But before I go into the details and benefits of this particular planner, I would first like to introduce a few other options I discovered—and also found very intriguing—along the way.  Let’s see if you can guess which planner I chose…no skipping ahead, either!

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Ibanez RG4EX1 One Year Anniversary & Review!

On October 31, 2013 I purchased my very first Ibanez RG guitar: an Ibanez RG4EX1 that was my dream guitar at the time (especially the sharktooth inlays)…

The Ibanez RG4EX1: One Year Later

Now, in this Hangout video, I’ve decided to do a “one year later” broadcast on my Ibanez RG4EX1.  I can’t believe I’ve had this guitar for a year now, and I STILL LOVE IT!  (Scroll below to see a link for my “‘New Guitar’ Hangout & Initial Review” video I created one year ago.)

In the video above, I’ll be discussing some of the pros & cons of this particular model, which is very similar to the Ibanez RG350DX & the Ibanez RG470FM (see link below to shop for Ibanez RG Guitars).  I’ll also be demonstrating the great features of the Ibanez RG4EX1 and what I think about the various aspects of these features.

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