Book Review: Writing into the Dark by Dean Wesley Smith

Have you ever wondered which writing method to choose for your book/stories? To outline or not to outline; to pants or not to pants? May I suggest to you this wonderful book by author Dean Wesley Smith who has been there, done that, and…”wrote the book” on the subject! Read more

7 HUGE Benefits of My New Early Morning Routine

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of going to bed early, getting a good night’s sleep, and having an early morning the next day? Join me as I explore the benefits I’ve experienced as a result of my new early morning routine. Read more

A Million Little Ways: You Were Born To Make Art

With all the many books I read each year, there aren’t many that stand out as a life-changing tool. But when I discovered A Million Little Ways by Emily P. Freeman, something dormant within me resonated and began to come to life.   Join me in the awakening. Read more

Goals for 2015: Quarter 1 Updates

2015 has already hurled past the first quarter (Q1), so it’s time for an update on how my goals for 2015 are coming along.  After several setbacks (one of which includes this post itself), I’m proud to say that my main focus has still been on my number one priority for the year: Writing. FOCUS … Read more

Young-ha Kim: Be An Artist, Right Now! | TED Talks Video

What’s holding you back from releasing your inner artist?  Do you remember when you were just a kid?  What was it you always did to pass the time?  In this inspiring and motivating TED Talks video, Young-ha Kim talks about what it means to allow yourself to “play” once again.

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A Month in the Life of A NaNoWriMo Participant

Does the term NaNoWriMo mean anything to you?  If you’re a writer—especially a young writer—who’s been online for the past 15 years, then it probably does.

NaNoWriMo 2009 Winner Icon (Tall)    NaNoWriMo Participant Badge 2009


In 2009, I set out to finally achieve my goal of writing a novel.  The premise behind National Novel Writing Month, founded in 1999 by Chris Baty, is to write 50,000 words by the end of the designated month, which is always November.  Although I won the competition (along with hundreds, if not thousands, of others), my novel was still incomplete, life happened, and I abandoned my novel as a result.  Five years later, I began the journey to resurrect and complete it.

Here’s my story.

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How to Write Better: 96 Fiction & Novel Writing Tips

Recently, I’ve been devouring a whole book’s worth of amazing tips on the art and craft of writing.  (These tips are mainly for fiction writers, but non-fiction writers can benefit from them as well.)  As a result, I’m learning more quality information about how to write better than I ever thought I could in one place.  Best of all, these tips—96 in total—are actually FREE.  I can hardly believe it because they’re worth their weight in gold.  And if you’ll apply these tips on how to write better in your own writing, I’m confident you’ll succeed.

How to Write Better- 96 Fiction & Novel Writing Tips

A Book on Writing Fiction…Compiled from Free Tips

Since “officially” beginning my writing journey back in October 2014, I’ve been soaking up every writing resource I’ve come across like a sponge.  As such, I’ve compiled many resources on writing and how to write better, and I’ve got tons more to contribute to my Writing Resources page, but possibly none so valuable as what I’m about to share with you now.

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Is FEAR and AVOIDANCE Keeping You from Taking ACTION?

When it comes to taking ACTION, FEAR and AVOIDANCE can be your worst enemies.  Join me as I discuss how to conquer your fears by taking ACTION!


Taking ACTION: Scratching the Writing Itch

I haven’t written in a few days and absolutely need to scratch the writing itch for the time being.

I’m sitting here in a local coffee shop watching the cars whiz by as the wake of a recent ice and snow storm lights up the surrounding area with its brightness. (To see pictures, click here.)

I’ve been considering creating yet another side project in addition to my novel in progress and a new ebook I’m working on about goals and goal setting.  It’s based on a website I keep seeing mentioned in blog posts, on podcasts, and appearing randomly as I surf the web.

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The “DON’T Want” Priorities List: 15 Ideas for Setting Priorities

Lately, I’ve been getting all caught up in the “thick of thin things” when it comes to my priorities, and I was just sitting here in my local Chick-Fil-A for lunch thinking about what’s important to me and what my priorities should be.

DON'T Want Priorities List - Negative Spaces

Journal entry from my “Whatever Happens, Happens” journal on February 6, 2015

The “DON’T Want” Priorities List

All of a sudden I wondered, “I know what’s important to me and what I want, but what about what I DON’T want?”

It’s easy to get so mixed up in life that you begin to grasp for the obvious solution; however, sometimes, like the negative spaces in a drawing, it’s in the not-so obvious that the real solution lies.

That being said, here’s my list of things that I DON’T want…

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