Answering Your Guitar Solo Questions – The Creative Guitarist

I’m answering some of your most commonly asked guitar solo questions. Have a look to learn how to level up your guitar solos.

The Best Online Course Builder You’ve Never Heard Of — And Why You Should Consider Using It

If you’re looking to create your first online course, want to switch to a more affordable course building platform, or want to make some extra money on the side, this may be the best online course builder on the market.Read more

How to WIN Online Guitar Solo Contests

Have you ever thought about entering guitar solo competitions but were scared you didn’t have the skills or the confidence to pull it off? Been there, done that. The good news is I actually did do that—and WON! Now, I’m here to share with you what I learned along the way.

How to Avoid Burnout: Declare A Snow Day

We’ve all experienced burnout at some point or another. Have you ever just sat and looked at the fallen snow out your bedroom, living room, or dining room window during as snowy winter day? Or maybe even from the window of your office or favorite work-in-town location—a coffee shop or your local public library? Why … Read more

How I Received My Breedlove Revival DR-Deluxe Guitar: A Christmas Story

Seeing as how we’ve just crossed the threshold of a new year, I thought it might be a good idea to tell you a story—a Christmas story—about how I originally received my main acoustic guitar, a Breedlove Revival DR-Deluxe, seven Christmases ago. Share0 Tweet this, pretty please!0 Share0 Pin0 Read more

Biblical Career Advice: For Love, Like, or Liberty?

In this article, we take a look at the topic of career advice from a Biblical perspective concerning Christ’s liberty and the Law’s bondage.

The Best Method for Increasing Picking Speed Using a Metronome

In this final post of this series from “The Creative Guitarist,” I’ll share a ground-breaking technique for increasing picking speed.

How to Prepare Your Guitar for Writing Creative Guitar Solos

In today’s post, we’ll take a look at how to prepare your guitar when you sit down to work on writing your own creative guitar solos.

A Sneak Peek Inside The Creative Guitarist Masterclass

In today’s post, I’ll feature a sneak peek inside Module 3 of my new guitar instructional course “The Creative Guitarist.”