Slow and Steady Idea Generation

In today’s digital age, no one has time for anything, even for slowing down and allowing their minds to wander. So in this blog post, I’ll share with you some ideas about generating…well…ideas, while slowing down enough so that your ideas can flow more freely. Read more

Trello: Tips for Organizing Your Life

Trello. One simple, easy to remember word; one HUGE impact on life as you know it. In this post I’ll share with you the huge impact that Trello has had on my life and some great tips on how you can implement Trello to organize just about anything in your business and personal life—including a special BONUS … Read more

Mind Mapping: From Page to Product

When it comes to brainstorming, mind mapping (also known as clustering) is one of the best, most effective tools you can use. And the best news: mind maps are fun and easy to create. All you need are a few simple tools: A single idea to start with A piece of paper (landscape orientation)A few … Read more

Goodbye 2015, New Goals for 2016

We’re one month into 2016, and already my goals for 2016 are gaining momentum toward success! Follow me as I share with you what my goals for 2016 are and one of the tools I’m using to help me achieve them. Passion Planner with Staedtler PensRead more

I’m an INFJ: What MBTI Personality Type Are You?

If you’ve ever wondered why you are the way you are, perhaps you never ran across a little test called the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (or MBTI) test. After having a particularly stressful, unorganized day, I decided to try out the test for myself to see if it would shed any light on my own personal quirks … Read more

7 HUGE Benefits of My New Early Morning Routine

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of going to bed early, getting a good night’s sleep, and having an early morning the next day? Join me as I explore the benefits I’ve experienced as a result of my new early morning routine. Read more

Goals for 2015: Quarter 1 Updates

2015 has already hurled past the first quarter (Q1), so it’s time for an update on how my goals for 2015 are coming along.  After several setbacks (one of which includes this post itself), I’m proud to say that my main focus has still been on my number one priority for the year: Writing. FOCUS … Read more

The “DON’T Want” Priorities List: 15 Ideas for Setting Priorities

Lately, I’ve been getting all caught up in the “thick of thin things” when it comes to my priorities, and I was just sitting here in my local Chick-Fil-A for lunch thinking about what’s important to me and what my priorities should be.

DON'T Want Priorities List - Negative Spaces

Journal entry from my “Whatever Happens, Happens” journal on February 6, 2015

The “DON’T Want” Priorities List

All of a sudden I wondered, “I know what’s important to me and what I want, but what about what I DON’T want?”

It’s easy to get so mixed up in life that you begin to grasp for the obvious solution; however, sometimes, like the negative spaces in a drawing, it’s in the not-so obvious that the real solution lies.

That being said, here’s my list of things that I DON’T want…

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Chasing Squirrels: How to Effectively Overcome Distractions

It’s so easy to allow distractions to get us side-tracked these days. With ever-increasing new versions of all the latest high-tech devices, temptations to multi-task, and having to be everywhere at once with social media, sometimes it feels like you’re just chasing squirrels.

Chasing Squirrels New

The Story Behind “Chasing Squirrels”

So what do I mean by “chasing squirrels”?  If you’ve ever seen the movie Up by Disney/Pixar, you probably think I’m referring to the dog, Dug, who is constantly getting distracted and yelling “Squirrel!” However, the story behind my version of chasing squirrels relates to a previous hunting experience I had over a year ago.

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More Goals Achieved: New Website Banner & Email List

This week I decided to kick things up a notch by taking several steps toward my goals.  I lost a few hours of sleep, but I ended up getting much more done than I had planned.

New Website Banner

One of the things I did to step up my game was to install a new banner for my website.  I actually had my graphic designer create this at the beginning of the year, but I couldn’t seem to find the time to add it to my (growing) list of things to do.

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