Welcome to Eric's
NOW Page
A List of Current Projects, Goals, and Aspirations
Hello, Dear Reader,
You've just arrived at my now page. Have a seat. Grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage. Make yourself comfortable while I share with you my current projects, goals, and aspirations.
So what is a now page? It's something I recently stumbled upon and decided I should implement myself. Rather than constantly updating smaller tasks on my main blog, I reasoned it would be better to create this now page and inform my readers of quarterly updates, thus saving the blog for more relevant content.
For more information on now pages and why you should create one, visit this website. For now (no pun intended), let's get on with the show.
Last updated on September 17, 2022.
1. Our New Baby Boy

It's been a day short of one year since I last updated my Now Page. Much has happened in the time since. One of which is, last October, my wife Melissa and I discovered she was pregnant with our first child, a healthy baby boy we named DJ, short for Daniel (my middle name) Joseph (a Biblical character whose name means "He shall add").
DJ was born on July 1, 2022 and is just over two months old. He's sometimes a bundle of joy and sometimes—well, let's just say he has a great set of lungs! I'm a stay-at-home dad who takes care of DJ while my wife continues her career as public school teacher.
My biggest change seems to be having to learn to lower my expectations. Having an INFJ personality, I find change difficult. Having to all of a sudden rearrange my schedule to account for frequent interruptions—baby feeding, diaper changes, etc.—is tough. Sometimes I get work done (YouTube videos, guitar courses, music production, writing, etc.), sometimes I don't. I'm learning to deal with that, and believe me, it's a constant struggle.
People tell me it will get easier and more fun. Myself, I can't wait to stop playing "guess what the baby wants" when he can finally talk and tell me himself! I told my wife that every baby should come with at least two things: tranquilizer darts and chloroform! If you're a parent, you know what I mean; if not, don't be so quick to judge.
2. New Single Out Now
As you may recall from my previous Now Page post—you can find all my Now Page posts on my Now Page Archives—I had mentioned the release of my debut album, Revival in the Air (RITA for short), available as a limited-edition first run (currently only available for purchase at in-person singing events). This is because I still needed to mix and release a couple of tracks before calling the CD "official." Well now, I'm one step closer to the final product.
My latest single, "The One Who Died for Me," is the 5th track from RITA. I've designed it so that when you purchase the CD from me, I've placed a special link inside the CD jacket that will take you directly to a special page on my website that will allow you to download the remaining songs once I've finished them, including "The One Who Died for Me."
But don't worry, if you're not likely to see me or the Gilbert Family in person (to check out our touring schedule, click here), you can still get the tracks from the album on my Bandcamp Artist page. Once the album is complete, I hope to make it available in CD form there as well.
With only one more song to mix, I'm nearly finished with this album—which is good because I've nearly compiled another entire album's worth of songs that, IMHO, will be even better than RITA. And that's the point, really; to continue making each new work better than the last.
Since "The One Who Died for Me" took quite a while to mix in between multiple side projects including an entire pregnancy, a new baby, engineering a new CD for the Gilbert Family, and more, I'm not sure when I'll begin mixing the final track on the album, another original entitled "Lord, Fill My Cup." All I know for certain is that I don't want to have to manage multiple interruptions while doing so. The mixing process is highly intensive and requires focused concentration, so I want to be able to get through the final song in under a week if possible.
In the meantime, I've been focused on creating more electric guitar content, so don't be surprised if you see a song or two of this nature released before the final track on the RITA album.
If you'd like to stay informed about my new music projects, click the button below to visit my official music page where you can sign up for email updates using the form at the bottom of the page.
Well, that's it for now. If you have any questions for me regarding the above updates, please contact me and I'll be sure to respond as soon as possible.
If you've missed past updates and want to see them as well, visit my Now Page Archives.
And please be sure to visit my official blog, where I write insightful content on Embracing the Creative Self in all of us.
Thanks for taking the time to see what I'm doing "now."

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Who is Eric Beaty?
Eric Beaty is a popular guitarist on YouTube with 16,000+ subscribers and 4 Million+ views. His videos mostly consist of instructional guitar, but he's been known to release videos on the topics of writing, business, gear demos and reviews, and occasional live stream videos.
In addition to writing and publishing his own books and music, Eric has most recently been pursuing audio engineering and studio session work as a career. He's enjoyed mixing Bluegrass, Gospel, Metal, and even Swing music genres.
Eric currently lives with his wife, Melissa, in the state of Tennessee and is hard at work completing his next project. You can find out more about his creative passions on the main page of his website by clicking the button below.
© 2025, Eric Beaty | Disclaimer | This page created with Thrive Architect