Welcome to Eric's
NOW Page
A List of Current Projects, Goals, and Aspirations
Hello, Dear Reader,
You've just arrived at my now page. Have a seat. Grab a cup of coffee or your favorite beverage. Make yourself comfortable while I share with you my current projects, goals, and aspirations.
So what is a now page? It's something I recently stumbled upon and decided I should implement myself. Rather than constantly updating smaller tasks on my main blog, I reasoned it would be better to create this now page and inform my readers of quarterly updates, thus saving the blog for more relevant content.
For more information on now pages and why you should create one, visit this website. For now (no pun intended), let's get on with the show.
Last updated on May 13, 2021.
1. I'm An Official Fretlook Artist
One of the big projects I've been involved in is a collaboration with an amazing company from Germany I discovered while surfing Instagram. They're called Fretlook, and they have some amazing designs to help you give your guitar a fresh, inviting look.
In the video above, I'll show you how to put them on your fretboard (they have both acoustic and electric guitar options available), how awesome they look after you've installed them, and how they feel when you're ready to play.
I'm super excited about this collaboration. So much so that I've been in discussion with the owner of the company, Rafael, and he's agreed to have me on board as an official endorsed artist!
We've worked out a special deal for my audience as well. If you enter the coupon code BEATY during checkout, you'll receive 10% off your entire purchase! How's that for a deal?
2. New House, New Studio Setup!
Speaking of new videos, I'm currently in the process of beginning edits on a new video series I'll be titling "Home Studio Move." It will be released in several parts as time-lapse videos, (hopefully as soon as next week) showing me deconstructing my studio from our previous house (which we've been renting for nearly a decade).
The house my wife and I have just moved into is our first home together, and we're super-excited at the potential this gem has. It was built in the 1950s and has nearly double the space of our previous home. It includes a huge deck and has a nice, big basement, which I'm currently using as my temporary studio.
The thing I'm most excited about is the outside shed. It's basically a blank canvas inside that I'll be converting into an actual professional studio for all my recording, music, video, and production needs. I'll be documenting the process just as I did in the deconstruction of my previous studio, so be on the lookout for that and make sure you're subscribed to my YouTube channel and have clicked the notification bell
to be notified of new videos. I can't wait to get started, but first, we've got a few other repairs to tackle.
Most of the electricity and plumbing has been fixed, but as of right now, I'm currently in the middle of helping my brother-in-law demolish the front patio, which is made of stone and concrete. (We've kept the stone for when we rebuild it, so no worries there.) The problem was that the patio was sinking in and causing (we believe) water to flow into the crawlspace. Long story short, after this huge project, my next goal is to get my new "shed studio" started!
I don't have pictures of everything about the house, but I can share the two above pics that show my new (temporary) studio setup, as well as our cat, Java, getting accustomed to the new living room.
And, bonus, hardwood floors...EVERYWHERE! (Much easier to clean up cat vomit, )
3. New Single: "Inner Dawn"
If I could sum up my latest single, "Inner Dawn," in one word, it would be "awakening." (Though, "clarity" comes in as a close second.) As you'll hear at the beginning and end of the song, there's a sense of an inner light rising as you hear the birds and the lake in the background.
The song's Intro lends itself to a sunrise, and as the song progresses, each verse becomes more "awake" in the sense of dynamics and melody. The climax happens at the solo—one of my favorite solos I've ever written, in fact, which you can hear in the preview above—which feels as if the "Inner Dawn" has fully arisen in your heart, and a sense of overwhelming hope lifts you up to meet the heavens.
The final verse echoes sentiments from the first verse, and clarity itself is now established as firmly as the sun in the sky, leaving you with the sense that hope truly does "spring" eternal. It's the perfect song for the season!
Well, that's it for now. If you have any questions for me regarding the above updates, please contact me and I'll be sure to respond as soon as possible.
If you've missed past updates and want to see them as well, visit my Now Page Archives.
And please be sure to visit my official blog, where I write insightful content on Embracing the Creative Self in all of us.
Thanks for taking the time to see what I'm doing "now."

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Who is Eric Beaty?
Eric Beaty is a popular guitarist on YouTube with 16,000+ subscribers and 4 Million+ views. His videos mostly consist of instructional guitar, but he's been known to release videos on the topics of writing, business, gear demos and reviews, and occasional live stream videos.
In addition to writing and publishing his own books and music, Eric has most recently been pursuing audio engineering and studio session work as a career. He's enjoyed mixing Bluegrass, Gospel, Metal, and even Swing music genres.
Eric currently lives with his wife, Melissa, in the state of Tennessee and is hard at work completing his next project. You can find out more about his creative passions on the main page of his website by clicking the button below.
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