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Amazon Bestseller!
SMART FOCUS (Book 1): How to Stay S.M.A.R.T. and Achieve Your Most Important Goals One Step at a Time.
New book by author Eric Beaty will show you how to stay one step ahead of your goals all year round—just in time for the new year!
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Here are some of the features you will find in SMART FOCUS Book 1:
- S.M.A.R.T. Goals Sheet: Utilize this amazing tool to reign in your most important goals so you can have a clearer vision of where you're currently headed—and where you want to be.
- Tips, Tricks, & Insights: Discover amazing insights for time management, weight loss, even conquering writer's block. Also, learn strategies for getting back in the game when your goals don't work out the way you expected.
- Easy to follow along: Simple, step-by-step process will help you conquer your most important goals, recover from failure, and take action to ensure your success like never before.
Find out how to get Book 1 for FREE!
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Who is Eric Beaty, anyway?
In addition to his love of playing and teaching guitar, bestselling Amazon author Eric Beaty enjoys writing and considers it to be one of his main passions.
Over the years, Eric has written many poems, essays, and songs. More recently, he celebrated the publication of his short story "Proof" in the anthology Tales from the Holler. In addition to his blog, the basis for much of Eric's writing comes from a great many notebooks he fills with his experiences, ideas, and stories.
Eric currently lives with his wife, Melissa, in the state of Tennessee and is currently hard at work writing his next book—and, of course, achieving his many goals. SMART FOCUS Book 1: How to Stay S.M.A.R.T. and Achieve Your Most Important Goals One Step at a Time is Eric's first published non-fiction book.